Low income assistance programs

People looking for general financial assistance.
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Low income assistance programs

Post by PattyMac »

Can someone please list all of the low income assistance programs that people can pply for, such as SSI. I know there are a bunch of low income programs, but one all inclusive list would be great so all of us in need can see them.
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Re: Low income assistance programs

Post by Admin »

PattyMac wrote:Can someone please list all of the low income assistance programs that people can pply for, such as SSI. I know there are a bunch of low income programs, but one all inclusive list would be great so all of us in need can see them.
Here are several of the main government assistance programs. I will post more later, and you can also go to the main site (link in top left) This should be a good start for you.

LIHEAP - healp with heating and utility bills.
Weatherization - help you save on energy bills
TANF - temporary assistance for needed familes. Former welfare program. Job training, employment, and more
SSI - Social security
Food stamps - assistance for food bills and groceries
Child care assistance - Almost all states have these programs to help with child care bills
Medicaid - Government health insurance
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Re: Low income assistance programs

Post by Berna »

To Whom it may concern:
I reside here at this residence with my fiance, and we are currently behind in our APS bill by $251.54 for the month of May and we are not going to have the money to pay for the month of June which is this month and that is $174.70 so that is a total of $430.48. The reason is, I am on disability and receive $1040.00 a month I am able to pay for the rent and medication for both of us and maybe 1 or 2 Dr appointments and also auto insurance on 1 vehicle.
My fiance works part time and only brings in maybe $72.00 every two weeks and we still have to pay for auto insurance on his vehicle, luckily we have food stamps for food but that doesn't always last either. So what I am asking for is how do we get the help we need to pay our bills? Please feel free to e-mail me back ASAP because they were going to shut off utilities today June 14, 2012 but we were able to get an extension until June 28th. I know for a fact we will not have the funds by then either. Like I said I am legally disabled and my fiance only works part-time and we are below the poverty line and we are on public assistance if that helps. We only bring in around $12,500.00 a year and I know for a 2 person household it is around 16,000.00 a year for that line. Please if you could help us it would greatly be appreciated by both.
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Re: Low income assistance programs

Post by Goodman »

I need help for this months bills. My husband was laid off, but was denied unemployment. I tried to get food stamps but made $196.00 to much. I have gone thru our savings and taken a loan against my 401k. I have run out of options, and need help. I have never had to ask for help, but now I do. If you could help me anyway, I would greatly appreciate it.
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Re: Low income assistance programs

Post by Derrick »

Hello. We desperately need help. I am the primary breadwinner, supporting my husband who has late Stage IV CKD. He is a very short step away from having to go on dialysis. As such, keeping his health insurance coverage is essential to his life. Without coverage, which enables him to see his nephrologist and get medication to control hypertension and Diabetes II (which are what cause his kidney issues), he will die.Up until two years ago, we were able to get by. I was gainfully employed, and we were actually able to save for a rainy day. Two years ago, I tore my ligament and strained my calf. I went on Workers Compensation, thinking I would have a speedy recovery. That was not the case. I got worse. Last year, my Workers Compensation benefits terminated, I applied for Social Security Disability, and was accepted. The amount I am now receiving is not even a quarter of what I was making as a healthy, salaried employee. We are now at the poverty level.
Concurrent with the termination of my Workers Compensation benefits, my employer also terminated my health coverage. I have done without any health coverage since last year, because every dime we have available has had to go to pay my husband's $650 per month COBRA benefit. My own health has seriously declined, and on top of my orthopedic injuries, I am now experiencing disabling bladder, bowel and vision problems. I should be seeing a doctor for these additional health issues, but there is absolutely no money for that. My own life is at risk because we are impoverished.
We are renters, and have no property of value to sell. The security of our tenancy is entirely contingent upon the goodwill of our landlord (we have been lucky thus far), as well as our ability to pay. Right now, my Social Security Disability payment is not even enough to pay our rent, which is actually quite reasonable for where we live. Furthermore, my husband's hospitalization over a year ago for this same illness triggered a mountain of medical debt we have no money to pay, and as a result of those accounts going to collection, my credit has been destroyed. If we were forced to move, we would not be able to secure tenancy anywhere else because of the destruction of my credit.
We are now out of money. We have a 48 hours cutoff notice from our utility company, and have not been able to pay our telephone bill. We have applied for LIHEAP, which is pending, begged the utility company for a reprieve, have gone on food stamps, all in an effort to slow down the hemorrhaging of what little cash we have left, which is now gone.
We need help. The only way I am going to be able to pay this COBRA insurance payment this month is if I sell my wedding ring. I am trying to keep my husband alive. Please help us, if you can.
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Re: Low income assistance programs

Post by EllenD »

I am currently in Lutheran Hospital. I am on SSDI, low income and in the red every month. I am a current student at a local graduate school. I have to go to court to appeal the child support order that was issued in July 2013. The money I receive for my children from disability is going to the children's father now that he has custody. I do not have enough to see them for the allotted time given. I do not have enough to pay monthly expenses. I will have the electric shut off this month due to insufficient funds and balance for Ohio Edison. Please help. My car needed over 1,000 worth of work in December and still needs over 800 more. It is a 2004 Jeep Cherokee. I owe my Mother and Friend over 800 dollars. I live in Ohio. Again, I am currently in Lutheran Hospital. I also enrolled in 9 credits and have completed over 61 credits so far. Please help.
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Re: Low income assistance programs

Post by Dirkn »

I am in need of severe help in paying rent along with my electricity bill. My electricity bill is around $323 & my rent is $485 & I was only able to pay her $130. I was directed to you through the needhelppayingbills website. I lost one job and was moved to on-call only at my other job, so I haven't been called at all. My boyfriend has a drywall job, but only makes $8.50 & is $1000 behind in child support. I just need directed in the right direction, please. Thank you. Again, I am in dire need of help.
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Re: Low income assistance programs

Post by Admin »

that is quite a list of needs. Your best point of contact, say for one stop shopping, is the community action agency. There is on in every single county in Ohio. They can help you apply for low income energy assistance, homeless prevention, and even government benefits such as SSDI. While there is no one term solution, they may have suggestions. Read community action in Ohio programs.
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Re: Low income assistance programs

Post by Brice »

I'm 33 years old and live in Cleveland Ohio, like the rest of America I'm struggling. 3 years ago I got custody of my daughter who is now 10. She hasn't seen or talked to her mother in 5 years. She is a happy girl gets great grades in school and is an inspiration to me. but it's getting harder and harder to look her in the eyes and tell her that we can't do this or we can't do that because we have no money. I've never received child support I've never received any type of government assistance state assistance or even a hand at all in raising her. also in the past few years I began paying around $500 child support for a child which I've never seen although I've never received or was offered it for my daughter.
We live in a 1 bedroom apartment that for the last 5 years I've been sleeping on the couch so my daughter can have a bedroom. And as bad as it sounds I also drive her to school and I drive to work everyday in a vehicle that to be honest I don't have insurance on. Not because I don't want to simply because I can afford it. I'm struggling to keep the lights on in our apartment. Like right now where they are to be shut off Thursday of I can't figure something out and there's rarely ever much food here. I've been told many times That I make too much money to get any type of assistance but I do not make enough to get by. I work on cars paint cars trade and sell cars and do my Art on the side to try and make ends meet and even that's not doing anything now with the way to the economy is no 1 is buying anything.
I'm sorry to ramble on or make the sound like a sob story because honestly that's not my style. I work hard for a living! I guess my question to you is how is it someone like myself who's trying to do the right thing, doesn't drink doesn't do drugs goes to work everyday works as many hours as I possibly can and am trying to raise a little girl by myself. How is it that someone like me is constantly struggling to survive and people I know don't work and go out and have a great time all the time. How are they able to get benefits and have their cabinets an refrigerators full of food buy flat screen TVs and rims for their car and I can't get car insurance . I don't understand how this is fair.
I want my daughter to live in a life better than the one that I was raised in. I want her to have her own room and perhaps a yard And for a change. Not worry about her father not eating.
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Re: Low income assistance programs

Post by Maryannbernaz »

Hello, I’m a single mom of twins and live on a low income. I’m 24 years old and I attend school and trying to work full time. I been trying to get help on several occasions but was unsuccessful. If you guys can help me get on a rental assistance program or low rent vouchers programs will help me out a lot. Right now I and my two children are currently staying with my god parents.
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