Mom being scammed on home

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Mom being scammed on home

Post by KellyEvans »

I’d like to start out with I’m not sure where to turn, or if I’m even in the right vicinity. I’m coming to you on behalf of my mother, she is going through some hardship right now with a divorce in the works, as well as a scam law suit over her property.
What is happening is there was a 3rd party involved in the buying of the property she is currently residing in, and they are suing her for half of the appraisal price of the property which comes to estimated $40,000. It is a big bad scam. She is retired, and on a fixed income, of $900 a month, there is no way she is able to come up with that amount of money an if she is unable to the courts will put it on the auction block. Her only option is that unless there is a way in which she could get some sort of housing assistants, grant, loan or something to help her with keeping her property. Can you offer any advice on what she can do to help keep her property.
If you can help her keep her home in anyway possible. I really don’t want her to lose her property that she has worked so hard for when the 3rd property involved in suing her has done nothing of the upkeep or taxes on this property.
Thanks for your time
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Re: Mom being scammed on home

Post by sasolis »

Not sure if you received any help but the internet is not the place to search for help in this situation. You need to talk to an attorney that deals with real estate and have him look over you mother's paperwork. Good luck.
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