Funeral payments

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Funeral payments

Post by MsSpring »

Is there a Charity or organizations somewhere in Michigan that will help with funeral payment, My sister passed away very suddenly, We need help, PLEASE.
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Re: Funeral payments

Post by Admin »

Sorry to heat that about your sister. Not sure about help for funeral expenses. Here is a listing of non-profits, charities, and community action agencies in Michigan, and by county. ... grams.html
I think you need to look into these options and call them
MsSpring wrote:Is there a Charity or organizations somewhere in Michigan that will help with funeral payment, My sister passed away very suddenly, We need help, PLEASE.
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Re: Funeral payments

Post by Ramsey »

I am the mother of two beautiful kids. My heart has been broken for my children for the past 18 months and we just do not seem to get a break. Our house of 4 years was because of violations due to knocked down due to the age of the house. It wasn’t the nicest home, but we were comfortable. When zoning did the inspection, they found several violations and we forced to relocate. Our property owner decided he wanted to sell the property and knock down the two homes that sat there. We did not get proper notice regarding when it was due to get demolished. I hurt my knee the day I started packing up and was unable to return until the following week. When I did return I was too late and my home was demolished. We lost everything, school pictures, furniture, beds, televisions and even my plaques that were hand painted by me. We had to relocate to my parents’ home and withdraw them from the only school they had ever been to. That put a lot of stress on my childre and I.
A few months later, my husband was sentenced to prison. It was so unexpected and so unfair. She made a mistake, she learned from her mistake, but the judge did not consider anything. She had never been in trouble before this, she was on the ankle monitor for over a year and didn’t violate ever, she did everything asked of her during her plea deal, but the judge sentenced her to the max prison term. My children were again heart broken, their dad was their inspiration. They behaved at school and home weekly to be rewarded with a weekend at dad's house. It was a great incentive for my kids that worked. My children are depressed and their grades have dropped drastically and they no longer care about education or family.
Now on their way out the door to school, we receive bad news that their grandpa had passed away. They were devastated and crushed. They were closest to their Nana and grandpa and yet again are heartbroken. This week will be the hardest week for us all but especially my children. Their Nana is grieving the loss of her husband. Also, my husband does not belong in prison and the punishment on him was too harsh. We are awaiting a reconsideration of sentence, scheduled in June. We have talked to everyone imaginable about an emergency furlough so she could be home and morn the loss of her husband with her children and grandchildren. The only thing they can do is transport her to the funeral, where she will be shackled, and can only stay for a max. of 2 hours, after will be returned to NMWCF in grants. It seems so unfair. These are only a few of the life changing events we have dealt with the past year and a half.
We are at loss of what to do next and where we go from here. My children are concerned to be at grandpa funeral. They need her there, if not it could be severely traumatic for them in the long run. They have death with enough and all they could think of is how they could raise enough money so nana can be at the funeral.
I’m asking that if you could find it in your hearts to help us out with a small donation to help pay Nana to get transported to their Grandpa’s funeral. Funeral costs have been paid, I’m not asking for help on that. The total cost of the transport is $420. I know it’s not a huge amount of money, but its something we don’t have and cannot come up with in the next few days. If anyone reads this, if they could help with a small donation so Nana can be their for her husbands service. I have $100 I need $320. Every dollar helps so please if you can help with even $5 it will bring us that much closer. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
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Re: Funeral payments

Post by GlennFord »

To Whom It May Concern
I am in Great need with help. My Sister was on life support and past away. She didn't have life Insurance at all. She was on a fixed income and didn't have the money for insurance. I need help with her funeral expenses. I am on a fixed income my self and I don't have any money to pay these expenses. She lived in Saint Paul Virginia. She was buried and I don't need help with that.
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Re: Funeral payments

Post by Jade »

I’m looking for help for my parents. They live in southwest Virginia. I am 39 years old and I’m one of seven children. My parent’s live on social security in a dilapidated house barely making ends meet and now have thousands of funeral payments and bills due.
At 78 and 73 years old, somehow, they take what little they have and use it to continue caring for their children. They inherited some family land, which disqualifies them for much needed financial assistance like Medicaid. Two of my siblings are still very dependent on my parents due to learning disabilities. One makes less than minimum wage milking cows on a farm, the other is on disability after several unsuccessful attempts to work. He was not able to maintain a job because he cannot read or write and has a tendency to pretend or lie. This sibling worked at the Goodwill for a while. Had 3 children of his own and took in two children from a woman who died. My mother actually co-adopted them with my brother. My brothers 18 year old son died yesterday in a car accident.
My mom and dad now owe a funeral home $400 a month for some time to pay $6,000 back for services. I don’t know how they will do it. My mom already picks and choose which medications she will fill depending if she can afford them. I don’t know what to do. I’m going to work overtime to help them, but I wonder if my money would be better spent finding someone who is savvy with finding more help through financial assistance programs. There has to be help out there for people like them who need funeral payment help. Are there people that can be hired to help? I think someone with the knowledge and direction to help them get assistance will do a lot more for them overall than I can working overtime I’ll eventually burn out and I have a young family of my own.
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Re: Funeral payments

Post by Admin »

We have a list of various assistance programs for funerals, creation help, and other end of life costs. But they will not help with existing payments. They are more, go forward programs. Look here for a free cremation for the low income and uninsured.
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