FMLA not pay for bills post heart attack

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FMLA not pay for bills post heart attack


Hello my name is Shavonne. I live in Charleston, WV which is Kanawha County. My husband and I have feel in hard times after a heart attack and issues with FMLA. Never had to ask for assistance before. But since last August when I had my second heart attack we have been struggling to just make it. When I had my heart attack my husband had took off a few days (6) to help care for me. I'm only 40 and I also have CHF.
His local boss told him to take all the time he needs he was covered under FLMA. Well when he went to return back to work the corporate office said he had only been there 11 months so he wasn't covered by FLMA and let him go. Soon after that our car broke down on interstate we got a ride home and when the tow truck got there our car had been stolen. And has yet to be recovered. It took months to get his u employment cause he couldn't talk to no one.
Like 5 months. So we got behind on our bills since no money from FMLA and can't work due to heart attack. It was all we could do to keep gas and electric paid so we had heat. Our water and sewer is now cut off. And I'm just trying to get it turned back on so we can bath wash clothes and stuff. Just trying get back to normal life. Our stimulus check hasn't came yet it was sent to old account.
So I just don't have a way to get it back on myself. And our local hospital has been trying to help me find someone to help. We have one place that will pay some but have to have proof the other amount was paid before they will pay the remaining. If know anyone I can contact that may be able to help me
Amber Tooley
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Re: FMLA not pay for bills post heart attack

Post by Amber Tooley »

Hello my name is Henry but I go by the name of Alex. I'm writing to you find out about getting financial assistance to cremate my husband of 34 years David, who died of a heart attack that FMLA is not covering. David passed away at age 62 on September 15th and right now his body is still at the medical examiners. I've been trying to raise money for his cremation and I just found out that there are organizations that may help me so I'm writing you. David had dementia and early onset Alzheimer's but he died of a heart attack while FMLA did not pay the medical bills. We live at Stella which is an 80 unit building pf former homeless people with an agreement that we will pay 30% of what we earned towards rent
I thought David was getting social security but he was getting something called supplemental income and though we have been legally married for 14 years it doesn't appear that I will qualify for his spousal benefits or FMLA
If there's any possibility of you helping me to pay for his cremation I would truly appreciate that please let me know.
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Re: FMLA not pay for bills post heart attack

Post by Asher »

Recently I had a heart attack and now the bills are coming in! My FMLA benefits will not pay the medical or other bills I have. I am currently employed, but am single with no dependents. I support only myself but it takes all I make to get by. I did not have insurance at the time because I could not afford the $600 Monthly cost that my job offered for me. I am looking into other options for insurance including more short term from FMLA but with these bills from my hospital, it makes it impossible to afford. I would appreciate any help you can offer, thank you Brenda
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