Murder, Abuse, Loss and LOVE--We need your prayers and help!

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Murder, Abuse, Loss and LOVE--We need your prayers and help!

Post by edjo48 »

We are currently in a financial mess right now but we currently do have income. I have a deadly heart condition and am only 44 years old. I have an ICD in my heart and my father died from the heart condition I have when I was only 8 years old. I have actually went into deadly heart rhythm called v-fib and had to be shocked back. Although I am disabled I try to generate cash for our struggling family when able here and there but it is not much and not anything near full time emplyment. I have not been able to work since 2004 when I had 2 heart surgeries and was subsequently diagnosed. My childhood was difficult too as mother raised me alone after my father died and she was mentally ill which is another story all in itself. Regarding my heart condition and disability, I applied for social security disability and was denied the first time in 2008. I had no money for an appeal and could not find an attorney who would do it on contingency. I am entering a new application for disability this month and hopefully I will win this time. In a nutshell, there are a few different factors that have directly or indirectly caused the situation that my family is in. In our first year of marriage we took in 2 little girls whose mother was murdered and whose father was in jail. The girls, my wife's half sisters, had no one at the time and needed some place to go. They desperately wanted and needed to come live with us. We were all that they had and all that they knew. We incurred bills and legal fees struggling to remove them from a temporary home with distant relatives whom they did not know. It is important to note that they were being abused at their relatives' home, which was the main reason we tried so desperately to remove them from that home. As stated, we eventually were granted custody which was a true blessing. Since the girls were without any money other than the small amount monthly from Social Security, we had to buy them everything they needed including clothing, and other essential items, including a home that we could all live in-it must be noted that their other family members who were given temporary custody kept anything of value that the girls owned. You can imagine what it cost us in legal fees too. We hired 2 attorneys both requiring 3000 in retainers and other fees on top of that were necessary to help us in the custody battle for the girls. We also had to pay for any and all living expenses. Pair that with my heart condition, surgeries, and inability to work, we are now in trouble. It is happy to note that both girls are now on their own. One graduated from college this spring the other finished high school almost 2 years ago. They are doing rather well now, but my wife, boy and I are still struggling to get out of this nightmare. We have a 6 year old whom we also love dearly who cannot be made to suffer because of these circumstances. The thing that makes me sick about this is that I always had fantastic credit. I bought many cars and paid them off, never missed payments, was always employed and basically had fantastic credit. We never did spend frivolously too while married, nor did we buy things that we should not have. We are currently struggling to keep the house we are in and are doing a mod on the mortgage. I am sure that we will get through this, but I need your prayers. I am not sure what type of help I am asking for nor am I sure what type of help I can get, but anything you can think of will be much appreciated. What I have just relayed to you really does not do justice to the ordeal we have been through. I could literally write a book and the things I have omitted due to time and space here would truly make your head spin if it is not already spinning now! I just say, if you read this and it touches your heart, it is all true and anything you could do or say that may help us will be greatly appreciated. I thank you for reading our story and God Bless!!
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Re: Murder, Abuse, Loss and LOVE--We need your prayers and help!

Post by Admin »

I am not certain as to what type of help you are looking for.
Medical bills, government assistance, disability? Also, where do you live. Without having more specific details not much I can do other than say review the main site at as it has tons of information on various assistance programs, charities, non-profits, medical bill advocates, and much more.
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Re: Murder, Abuse, Loss and LOVE--We need your prayers and h

Post by edjo48 »

We are in Iowa. thank you
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