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Waitress salary and tips don't support my rent payment

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 8:53 am
by Namco1
I’m trying to get into my own home so I can take care of my son properly, work and go to school. I have been staying place to place while my son is with his father. I am a very hard worker, and only wish to provide a better life for my little man.
It's really hard to be without him on a daily basis and I really want him back. I work full time as a waitress at Waffle House and I am also a full time student at Everest University. I have found an apartment that I can afford that is close to work and not too far away from school, but while I am staying with other people it is hard for me to get the money together in time enough to get the apartment.

Re: Waitress salary and tips don't support my rent payment

Posted: Sat May 19, 2018 5:24 pm
by Kylep
I have a job but I live off tips and business has just been horrible. I am a single mother waitress, recently had my electric shut off but I got that taken care of by taking from my rent fund then so many things came up at once.
I have absolutely no money for rent. It takes a lot for me to set my pride aside and actually admit that I need help. Its way past due and I'm beyond panic mode. Please in a begging for any kind of guidance or help.

Re: Waitress salary and tips don't support my rent payment

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2019 6:59 pm
by Admin
Don't let pride get in the way. Sounds like working to try to support yourself. Business may turn up. also, look into the job training programs and Will County assistance programs for other support. They may be able to help you make it through the hardship.
Kylep wrote:I have a job but I live off tips and business has just been horrible. I am a single mother waitress, recently had my electric shut off but I got that taken care of by taking from my rent fund then so many things came up at once.
I have absolutely no money for rent. It takes a lot for me to set my pride aside and actually admit that I need help. Its way past due and I'm beyond panic mode. Please in a begging for any kind of guidance or help.

Re: Waitress salary and tips don't support my rent payment

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2020 9:17 am
by Lance13
I’m 29 with my son who turns 7 on Wednesday! I usually work 2 jobs. I lost my main job in December 5th, so I've fell behind on my rent and utilities. I do currently have a waitressing job but my checks average about $30 every 2 weeks. I live off the tips. I do not currently receive any unemployment from the other place. Nor currently am I receiving any government benefits. Whatever can help, I appreciate the information. Thank You very much. My son and I appreciate it.