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Fund for autism treatment appointment

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 12:54 pm
by Scarlett

I live in Kentucky, and have 4 children. My younger 2 boys are both affected with an autism spectrum disorder. My older
son has terrible GI issues with it, and is in pain on a daily basis. I have been to his pediatrician, who has tried to help
him, but it is out of his area of expertise. The GI doctors around here won't touch him just because he has autism.
They don't care that he is in pain. I worked really hard to get him an appointment with Thoughtful House in Austin, TX.
His testing so far indicates severe bowel disease/damage and he has antibodies for Chron's disease. I am trying to get the funds together for 3 to 4 days or hotel, rental car, and food fees. I a figuring it at around $1,300. That is because my husband and I have to take all of our children with us, as we have no one to leave them with while we are gone. I have raised the up front money for his consult and inital payment, our insurance takes over after that. I DESPERATELY need to get him to this appointment in October (that was the first available). He is getting worse, and I am afraid this is going to have a serious,impact on his health. He wakes up at night screaming in pain, and there is nothing I can do but hold him. Half of the time now when he sits at the table, he stares at his food, and I know he is hungry, but he pushes his plate away because he says it hurts when he eats. If anyone knows of a charity or organization that can help him, please let me know.

Thanks so much!

Re: Fund for autism treatment appointment

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 5:12 pm
by Admin
Here is a list of charities that provide free health care and services. Look thru here. See if one may apply. There are other programs to provide health care as well. ... ns_th.html