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Need lawyers for different needs

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 11:07 am
by NikiMin
My husband left me. I can't afford the house. It is going up for foreclosure. I make 300 a week with a family of 4. I have no money, no food and my utilities are going to be close to being shut off. I need to find a low income bankruptcy lawyer, a divorce lawyer and any help. My son is leaving for the marines this year and he doesn't even have good sneakers to train or what to do or were else to turn.

Re: Need lawyers for different needs

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2017 7:06 am
by acampbell
Hello. I am a 30 year old man and I live in Florence Colorado. I am going to be going through a divorce and cannot afford a lawyer. My wife and I recently had a baby boy so there will also be the issue of custody. I don't want to keep my son from his mother however I do feel it would be best for him to live primarily with me due to my wife has been hospitalized 3 times in the last few years for suicide attempts. The most recent was very bad and included an overdose as well as slitting her own throat.
She has lost custody of her first son to her own father due to the suicide attempts and has court in a couple weeks for her dad to terminate her rights. She has been spreading false accusations about me and I desperately need help to keep my son safe, some some lawyer would be great. Any help you can give me or any info will be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much and I look forward to hearing from you.

Re: Need lawyers for different needs

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2018 7:06 am
by Admin
Normally the free legal aid in Colorado does not pay for a divorce. It is usually debt, housing, and similar issues. But you can call around and ask. At the very least maybe you will get a referral to an attorney...maybe a low cost one.
acampbell wrote:Hello. I am a 30 year old man and I live in Florence Colorado. I am going to be going through a divorce and cannot afford a lawyer.