Need assistance for relocation

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Need assistance for relocation

Post by Euro »

I am a single mother of a 5 yr old girl I am seeking relocation assistance because we have been homeless on and off since January of this year and I would like to return to Georgia so that we have a better chance at becoming independent again. We first became homeless back in January when we were evicted from our home that I shared with my ex fiance. He left one day and never came back, with out any warning, and I did not have any income to pay the bills. I sold most of my belongings, packed what I could in my tiny car, that really belongs to him, and went to another city. I stayed with a stranger who was kind enough to let us stay for one week then we were asked to leave. I had a job that was starting the following week but because we had no where to stay I drove to PA to see my sick father. I had no intentions on making this our place of residence. We were in Pennsylvania for three weeks when I was denied unemployment which I had filed a month before in Georgia and my family including my daughter were involved in a horrible car accident. My daughter was in the hospital for a week. Since that time I have been trying to find a way to get us back down to Georgia but nobody can help us. My dad has since told me that we can no longer stay at his home because his landlord says it is not ok. So in less than a month me and my son will be homeless again. I am pleading for any help anyone can give us to get back to Fl where I can get a job, because I have been contact by a few since being in PA, and get our life back together. Everything we own is in storage down in Georgia so we only have a fraction of our belongings with us. If there is any direction you can point me in to get some help for us it would be more than appreciated. I am a mother who is looking for an opportunity to get back on track. Thanks for any help you can give.
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Re: Need assistance for relocation

Post by Bradshaw1 »

I am in a situation that I need a place to go and stay until a low income apartment is available. I have a hearing disability and my rent is due at the place that I'm am living at now. The rent is to high for me. With me being let go at my full time job and only finding part time income I am presently working. I have contacted several government department that help people with disabilities but they have no clue to my situation on what to do.
I have asked for help and they don’t offer it. I have contacted my counselor at DVR but she hasn't responded to me either. I need assistance either help paying for my rent or help in finding my own low income place that is better place to live. I need a place to move to and my stuff. I'm in the process of filling out insurance.
But since I have only been here in Cody Wyoming for less than a year I might not qualify. I am very worried that I will be outside in the cold. Is there anyone who can help me. I need help now. I am sick of being worried and I can't sleep. No one is helping me. I need someone to help me find a place to stay.
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Re: Need assistance for relocation

Post by Newburgh »

I am in need of emergency assistance for paying rent or help moving. I had a stroke that prevented me from working. It took all the savings to pay for medical appointments and medications. I am being threatened with an eviction notice. The landlord will not show any leniency and has stated in the last two days to pay the rent or the notice will be posted on the 5th. I am in dire need of relocation as I fear eviction. I currently reside in Culpeper, VA. The rent per month is $1,300 and I am two months behind. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please feel free to contact me at this email.
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Re: Need assistance for relocation

Post by Doler »

I am in need of relocating to Houston Texas. My daughter and I as well as my 16 month old grandson are being kicked out of where we are now because I have no transportation to be able to go to work or get a job, let alone pay any bills.
This is resulting in no place to stay. My income tax was not enough to relocate or get a vehicle. I have tried to get assistance before and was shut down. I am asking for some help so I can get back on my feet to be able to support the two people that live with me. If you can help me, I would much appreciated.
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