I can't move this Mountain alone

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I can't move this Mountain alone

Post by Tfrog40 »

I don't know where to start or which topic to go under so if anything I'll get to have some feeling of hope. So,
I was married 25 years to an abusive man I know why stay so long if he was that bad and I have heard all that from family who never came to see me or help me because they didn't like what they saw but would not assist in my getting away--but that is another story and a long one all I ask is please don't judge me. I did go to college I have a BA I have always struggled with my health but was determined to work and have a profession. How did that go for me? Not well, Not well at all. The years of stress caught up to me while working as a child abuse investigator, that too is a long story. I filed a FMLA and was let go 2 days latter and learned this term called "No Fault State" They can fire you at will, so if your old over 40 bad state to be in. If your dreaming of climbing the ladder with a gold watch at the end of the rain bow --keep dreaming . Okay I was let go, put on unemployment and at the same time diagnosed with uterine cancer But as it is the debt began and my health and mental fight to make is slowly but surely waning. Two years after getting free I met a wonderful man 10 years my senior, he was a Marine, and struggling to make it like I was, His wife, grandson, and cousin died in a matter of one year, and I was still dealing with needing protection when I was called into court for the divorce and being in hiding. In my state I had a license, and a special permit to teach, however in this new state none of that was recognized nor was the fact I was out of college for 10 years and they wanted me to take a master level test. I needed special help and did not receive it I was one off on the test and lost the job I absolutely loved and move to another state and the child abuse investigator job I mentioned earlier. One of stipulations of the divorce was that I had to pay income tax on the alimony I received and I latter learned I had to even when I didn't receive it!

1. Medical - I have PID (primary Immune Disorder-formally (Auto) immune deficiency) I have 8 problems stemming from this, cancer however now it is unchecked just sitting around waiting to die. I had a heart attack in 2010 along with a pulmonary embolism 3 months latter. I can hardly walk to the end of the driveway and although I have a wheel chair it is getting harder for my mate to get it in the Saturn Vue (which they don't make anymore-Saturn was ordered to replace their defective part -transmission-Saturn decided they were not going to pay 100% and therefore their 1/2 is 2300.00 which so far I have had to pay every two years), we made the ramps to push it up. Having to reenter disability I had to wait 2 years for medical and because of the alimony I was docked not just from IRS but from medicaid and had to have a spend down for each hospitalization and ambulance ride. There are no programs here like my last state that offered water exercise, Nutritionist and vitamins which my HMO helped with (I really flourished on that plan) my medications well you know--and yes I have the wellness program but one medication costs 83.00 and Walmart keeps messing up my insurance and even for generic they are well over 4.00. I also have a pancreas that is not functioning right, and I cannot afford the enzyme treatment which without it my pancreas is dumping fat.
Then there are glasses--not covered - so I cannot see half the time
dental. I had to go 3 months with pain because of my teeth breaking down in part because of the nitro. Even then it's 53 a month for delta dental/aarp and it only covers 1/2 the bill. The first dentist I went to was going to charge 13,000 (1/2 the payment but the plan would not even pay 1/2 for this) to be able to keep the teeth, or 1500.00 up front to have them removed, so again I wait looking for a dentist to take payments. I found him an hour away from where I live. I had to have 6 removed another three which broke at the gum if I had the money could have been saved. Now I face dentures and I cry at the thought. Now I have dental payments.
2. Housing. I was able to put down on a house before housing took a turn, but it is still cheaper than rent. That's the good news. The bad news is that the bank was not to pay the person the owner sent to repair the house until the work was inspected. So the bank paid the guy the escrow after he cut a main beam under the house and held it up with rocks and 2x4's stacked, he repaired the ceiling leaving a seam and a crack by a vent. Not only did the bank pay him, hey gave me a ARM when I asked for a fixed 30 mortgage. I was told they agreed on 60,000 for it but after 4 years of payment I just reached the 60,000 left to pay. It's worse the place is now assessed at 30,000. But still cheaper than rent. No it gets worse, we were given a little assistance and decided to get a ramp for my w/c and to help my mate. We needed the floors done and the doors a little wider for my chair. I have fallen in the bath room as our shower is in a tub and I have difficulty getting in and out. So we got a referral from Servicemagic and the "contractor" came and made all these promises, including that he would have it done before Christmas, and he would accept the amount we had for the job. Yep you got it, the promised contract never showed up, the material came, but we ended up with a deck made of 2x4s and rails instead of a ramp with spindles and the rail on the side of the ramp. we have a hole in the wall of our living room, and the deck doesn't have shingles yet, he still has his trailer, some equipment, and the material out on the lawn we haven't seen him in almost 3 months. The only thing almost complete is the porch/ramp, only the floor boards show throughout the house.
3. Finances: I went for bankruptcy. Going from a good job to making 1200.00 a month before medicare takes out 123.00 54.00 for dental, prescription, doctor and drug co-pays, home care products, and well now days gas to the doctors has become an issue along with the normal; house, gas, telephone, electricity, utility, taxes, and in this state they charge tax on anything with a motor every year above the licence and insurance fees. My Mate? well he's a war time disabled Veteran and they expect him to live on 400.00 a month. (makes it hard to complain thinking our military men/women would have to survive on that after serving our country).

So, if I had the HMO I had in the other state my medical would be down because I would be able to maintain some of the problem like depression and weight. If I could get a pool here, and even get a bathroom suitable to our needs. Also, even though my body is going down, I can supplement my income by joining my sister and crocheting tops to towels and embroidering, But I would need seed money to start that out. I've been working on a book, I've always enjoyed teaching and always had great reviews in the class room I'd like to be a professor. With all this the creditors from my life before all this, they want their money, and the debt my ex was ordered to pay? well they are coming after me too now and guess what? They can. I can't even afford bankruptcy not even the legal aid people. I can't spare any day to day expense, I'm down to a roof over our head, utilities and basic needs. My daughter moved closer with her husband and 5 children. She's a CNA studying to be a nurse, and she cleans me, helps me in and out of the tub, tends my wounds, talks me through the pain. So if you read this and hear my pleas for help, may God hear your prayers. Thanks for reading
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Re: I can't move this Mountain alone

Post by Admin »

wow, the second huge post in as many days. Very similar to what we told the other person. Use our main site of need help with bills and focus on the thousands of charities and non-profits we have listed. Use the bars on left side of screen to find credit counseling, free legal aid, medical bill assistance, and much more financial assistance.
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Re: I can't move this Mountain alone

Post by SARALUVV »

I live in Winchester, Indiana. 4 months ago. I gave birth to a baby boy and I feel like it is such as Mountain to climb. I thought renting a house would be perfect. My life after that took a spiral and I'm just struggling with everything. I recently lost my job due to not even having money for gas to make it there. I've been filling out applications everywhere. I'm behind on all my bills because any money that I get goes to diapers, formula, gas and some rent. I need help very badly while I'm trying to get back up on my feet. As the saying goes, I can't move this Mountain alone. I feel like I can't take one step forward because I get pushed 20 steps back. I just want what's best for my child, please help.
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Re: I can't move this Mountain alone

Post by Admin »

Yes, babies are so expensive, both financially as well as from the energy/time and other commitments. So sad how many comments we get from people who have kids, think it will be easy, and now they are in terrible financial and personal hardship. Anyhow, try this for information on getting free stuff.
SARALUVV wrote: Mon Jan 27, 2020 3:29 pm I live in Winchester, Indiana. 4 months ago. I gave birth to a baby boy and I feel like it is such as Mountain to climb.
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