Help with medical care near Fort Wayne?

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Help with medical care near Fort Wayne?

Post by deb8851 »

I'll try to keep this short. There probably isn't anything that can be done for me, but I just keep looking anyway.

I have hypogammaglobulinemia and severe asthma that doesn't respond to conventional treatment. My last specialist told Soc. Sec. that I am cured, even though hypogammaglobulinemia is a life-long condition, and they believed him, so I lost my benefits.

I have been very ill for the last three weeks, fighting for air most of the time. I have tricare insurance, but we're under the poverty line and can't afford the deductibles and co-pays, or prescriptions. I can't get Medicaid because they don't believe I am disabled and expect me to get a job. I am not a lazy person. I am simply too sick too often to function in any workplace.

On top of this, I have four children and no childcare, and a severe neurological/visual problem that keeps me from driving very far. At the moment, I'm too sick to drive anyway, and my husband is always working and can't take time off.

The only care I have access to in a dire emergency is the ER, where doctors & nurses have usually not even heard of what's wrong with me, and give me standard but completely useless treatments and then send me home with prescriptions I can't fill and tell me to follow up with a physician I can't afford to see.

Is there any way I can get medical care? This is so hard with no help. I am not a hypochondriac, I hate to go to the doctor, but I am so sick right now it scares me.

Thank you for any suggestions.
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Re: Help with medical care near Fort Wayne?

Post by Admin »

There may be a few different options for you. Maybe tree a local community clinic or government qualified health center. They may be able to help you in your condition, or they may not be able to. But even if they can't, they may be able to redirect you. Find an extensive listing of Indiana clinics and details on the programs they offer. Also try calling some non-profits, charities, and government programs in Fort Wayne, and those can be found here. ... ogram.html
deb8851 wrote:I'll try to keep this short. There probably isn't anything that can be done for me, but I just keep looking anyway.

I have hypogammaglobulinemia and severe asthma that doesn't respond to conventional treatment. My last specialist told Soc. Sec. that I am cured, even though hypogammaglobulinemia is a life-long condition, and they believed him, so I lost my benefits.

I have been very ill for the last three weeks, fighting for air most of the time. I have tricare insurance, but we're under the poverty line and can't afford the deductibles and co-pays, or prescriptions. I can't get Medicaid because they don't believe I am disabled and expect me to get a job. I am not a lazy person. I am simply too sick too often to function in any workplace.

On top of this, I have four children and no childcare, and a severe neurological/visual problem that keeps me from driving very far. At the moment, I'm too sick to drive anyway, and my husband is always working and can't take time off.

The only care I have access to in a dire emergency is the ER, where doctors & nurses have usually not even heard of what's wrong with me, and give me standard but completely useless treatments and then send me home with prescriptions I can't fill and tell me to follow up with a physician I can't afford to see.

Is there any way I can get medical care? This is so hard with no help. I am not a hypochondriac, I hate to go to the doctor, but I am so sick right now it scares me.

Thank you for any suggestions.
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