Help with water bill

If you are struggling with utility - energy bills.
NHPB has more info on energy assistance, and find local utility bill assistance programs.
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Help with water bill

Post by Literose »

I received a water bill of $2660 in June. They turned my water off this summer. The water company in the dc region will not even talk to me until the bill is paid in full. I have gone every where seeking help. I am a senior citizen working on a need bases job. In my job they do not work during the summer. I have only gotten a few assignments so far this term. I got help reducing the bill down to $1640.
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Re: Help with water bill

Post by Admin »

We do have information on different charities, non-profits, and government organizations to call in Washington DC, based on Wards. We suggest you call them. In general there are not as many assistance programs offered for water bills, but worth calling around. How did you use $2600+ in water?
Find information on the Washington DC agencies to call for financial assistance and help with bills. So are you working now in the fall? On the main site, left margin, we also have more information on electric, water and utility bill programs, so explore the main site too.
Literose wrote:I received a water bill of $2660 in June. They turned my water off this summer. The water company in the dc region will not even talk to me until the bill is paid in full. I have gone every where seeking help. I am a senior citizen working on a need bases job. In my job they do not work during the summer. I have only gotten a few assignments so far this term. I got help reducing the bill down to $1640.
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Re: Help with water bill

Post by PANW »

Hello. I was recently approved for assistance with my utilities. I thought that would include electric and water. It seems only my electric has been affected though. The water bill comes in the landlords name, she was told it couldn't be changed, but I pay it. Please help. I can NOT afford these expensive water bills. Thank you for your time, hope to hear back soon, with any ideas to help me.
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Re: Help with water bill

Post by Cincy »

My daughter lives in town and the quarterly water bill is very high. She owes $900 it was shut off 2 months ago and the bill is still climbing. They need help. Rent is 2 months overdue and electric is close to shut off as well. PLEASE somebody CARE. Every agency says if the other agency helps a little first then they will but nobody is helping and she has no car, it was repossessed, to get to SS office to fill out more paperwork to even get emergency food. Her husband was laid off she lost her job and life is getting unbearable she feels her children are better off without her. Please, please somebody just pay some bills don't tell us where to go nobody helps; they just send you somewhere else!!
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Re: Help with water bill

Post by Admin »

Owing $900 on water bills is a lot of money. Maybe your daughter can ask them about some type of payment plan for her account. However if both her and her husband are unemployed with no source of income, the company is less likely to enter into a program with her. But we can try. There are many approaches to take for a payment plans on water bills.
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Re: Help with water bill

Post by Goniners »

My brother is disabled, unemployed, and receives approximately $350 in benefits each month. My father and I have been paying his rent and taking him food to supplement his food stamps. We also have helped with his utility bills. For some reason, however, his water is now turned off. I contacted the Wichita Water Department and they will not speak to me since it is not my account. My brother told me he owes hundreds of dollars on his ex-wife's account--she is now deceased--in addition to his. This is ridiculous.
He has COPD, SEVERE heart disease, and a crippling arterial block in one leg that may cost him the leg. He is receiving very minimal medical care, though our father and I have tried to improve that situation.
My brother is very proud and I told him if he would please tell us before utilities are shut off, we can help, but this one is too big, he said. I cannot imagine how a water bill could be so large, but I don't know without seeing it.
Can you help him? The Water Department pointed me in your direction.
I just paid his cell phone bill.
He worked for decades as a transmission mechanic, but he is far too ill now for that type of work. He is 62 and looks like he's 70. My father and I are not wealthy, but we're doing all we can. My brother prefers to stay in his own place, which is why my dad is still paying his rent.
Can you please help--or point us toward help--for this one utility bill? It's pretty pitiful that the law requires restaurants to provide free water, but the city can shut off water to a disabled citizen's home.... I don't know how long it's been turned off. I just learned about it yesterday. My brother is too proud to ask for help, though he desperately needs it.
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Re: Help with water bill

Post by Martin10 »

I was told you help people with their water bill. I am disabled and my daughter and her fiancé live with us and there 5 month old son, plus my husband. We need desperate help with our water bill. I'm afraid they’re going to turn our water off. The bill is $843.00 and I don't have the money. Is there any way you can help us or know someone that could? Please let me know.
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