My struggles

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My struggles

Post by Chicken »

Please pray. Please read. I want to be honest with you about my feelings and I will start from the beginning. It goes clear back to when I was a kid. I would have dreams of getting married to a very affectionate woman and making an income from home so I could travel and give to various churches and keep my bills paid and what I wound up having to deal with Social Security and Medicaid and food stamps.
The reason for me wanting to make money from home started to include being independent from this world's government programs like SSI and food stamps and Medicaid. Whenever I would ask someone for prayer for prosperity because of that church people would just accuse me of wanting to be rich and use that verse in the Bible And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God - Matthew 19:24. So the struggle goes on, as we always say.
Also those church people that use that verse to tell me I should be satisfied with what I've got but they did not realize I had a strong desire to sow seed into the kingdom of God and be part of that verse that states 2 Corinthians 9:7 - Every man according as he purpose in his heart, [so let him give]; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God love a cheerful giver.
Malachi 3:10 - Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that [there shall] not [be room] enough [to receive it].
Proverbs 11:24 - There is that scatter, and yet increase; and [there is] that withholding more than is meet, but [it tendeth] to poverty.
Mark 12:41-44 - And Jesus sat over against the treasury, and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury: and many that were rich cast in much.
Luke 6:38 - Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.
Even back in 1975 when I first accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior every time I seen a feed the hungry program on TV I couldn't cried. Every time I heard a ministry talk about needing money for whatever I wanted to give but because my income was limited on SSI I could not afford to get what I wished I could give. There were ministers I could name that was one everybody else called prosperity preachers or scammers that talked about making vows to God in thousand dollar amounts or whatever and I tried that a few times and he did not work and on the Internet it calls those people scammers.
I have noticed websites that criticize about every national minister that have been websites that criticize Oral Roberts and Benny hinn etc. I have even tried to talk to some ministers about ties and offerings and asked for prayer so I could get my business off the ground that I'm trying to start. As I said earlier they just accuse me of wanting to be rich and some of them even say that ties and offerings has been done away with and is something that the Old Testament talks about that is law that no longer applies in the New Testament. Whatever the truth is if it will bring the blessings from the throne of God I wanted to be part of it.
Also for years since I was young, like I said I dream about having a very affectionate wife and being able to do something from home to pay my own bills; independent of SSI and food stamps etc. etc.. I want to independent of SSI and food stamps. It was a dream I started having when I became 25 because I see now restrictive government benefits are.
I have got a fiancé who needs prayer because the government has took away her food stamps and Medicaid and $100 out of her Social Security. That is one example of why I would like to be independent of government programs. My wife also needs healing of diabetes and pain in her legs that was caused from a car wreck. She struggles too.
Her legs don't work correctly and she always said diarrhea she went to the doctor recently four a Colonoscopy because she was having frequent diarrhea and they put her on medication to stop the diarrhea and now she is sick. I also used to dream about owning my own house and maybe having two or three kids and maybe a car for my wife to drive because I can't drive.
I deal with cerebral palsy and epilepsy and chronic sinus drainage and heartburn and sometimes hypertension because of the sinus drainage. I deal with a lot of coughing and gagging and sometimes puking and I deal with heartburn under certain situations and a friend that helps me out said a doctor said I have a Hiatal hernia. So please pray over all this both me and my fiance need God's healing touch
Because I have never had an income of my own so I did not have to depend on SSI and food stamps etc. I have been full of envy of people that have jobs or however they make money and also I get jealous and envious of people who have kids. I got jealous and envious of people who had their own homes and I got jealous and envious I people that were married for 70 years which is rare to find now days.
But that is always been part of my dream to get married to the very affectionate woman for 70 years and for us to grow together in Christ but because of the fact that ministers talk about Jesus coming back soon. Some ministers talk about the Mark of the beast.
I get very discouraged and depressed and feel like what's the use in trying to live a better life. I might as well just go to bed and wait till Jesus returns you have read in this email all the goals and dreams that I have had for my life and of Jesus came back tomorrow not of them would be fulfilled. Now the enemy of my soul has had me so distracted by these goals and dreams that it is been hard to follow the Bible verse it says seek ye first the kingdom of God.
I live in Lafayette, IN 47905, and am struggling, but the only dream I have ever dream about that is getting close to being accomplished is being married to a very affectionate woman.
I do have a problem with love getting rid of a lot of bills because my income is so fixed like I told you. I've tried to sell stuff like Avon and whatever to try to be independent of depending upon SSI and food stamps but it never happened.
I have had bad habits then I need to be rid of, because of past regrets please pray that I get rid of them back. I also had to move to my current address because the complex raised my rent too high for me to buy toilet paper and paper towels. That is another reason why I wish my income was flexible and instead of fixed. If it was not fixed I would not be needing help paying the two attached bills as all I get is a $733 disability check.
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Re: My struggles

Post by Canes »

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: FOUO
Good Morning,
I am currently emailing this office and PA Congressman and Senators.
In today’s economy, it seems odd to me that there are no programs to help the families trying to survive and raise their children. Many people are struggling.
My daughter is a single mother, working a minimum wage job, has (3) small children, receives no child support, (there is a court order), the father was in jail for not paying, but is not out of jail.
First of all, my daughter and her children will soon be homeless. There are no housing vouchers being issues due to funding, and the waiting list is very long.
She can’t receive emergency cash assistance…because she was told for a family of (4) she earns too much…………………..!!!!!!!!
She is now off of the (electric) program, because she used her allocated funds up for the year.
OK, why and where is an American citizen trying to work and raise her children…honestly…..suppose to get help!
I am and will contact every single person/organization, etc. possible to try to change these “issues”, because there is something really wrong with the assistance programs for the American citizen.
My daughter’s name is Ashley, and is you feel you can assist her, so her and her children do not become homeless, please feel free to call her. We need to end her struggles.
Thank you.
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Berner Davis
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Re: My struggles

Post by Berner Davis »

I am two days behind on a rent deadline, as it is so much of my struggles. I have two young daughters and I work extremely hard to provide for them but this month my house was broken into and my checks were stolen they were cashed and my entire check went to my negative account balance.
I now have 25 dollars to my name and have everything to pay to end my struggles. I am begging for a miracle so I know my babies will be ok this month. Please someone help me. I have filled out every option called every church and organizations and I can't find anything. I don't know what to do.
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