Jon McNamara information on health insurance

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Jon McNamara information on health insurance

Post by Hulug »

Hi Jon McNamara,
Hope you are having a good day. I'm sure you get lots of emails, but hoping you can help in anyway of where to look or call.
I will start by telling you I was a healthy 56 year old woman and was on NO medications of any kind till now.  One day in May of 2019 I started to get weak and muscles slowly started to deteriorate. after 3 weeks of hoping I get better, I realized I was in trouble, cause now I could not feed myself and can barely walk. For the past 15 years I have taken care of my husband who is disable and took care of our home in TN. Now I needed help and was uninsured due to low income. To make a long story short, I was let go from hospital in TN and got worst then Air flighted 2x to Atlanta Georgia. I have bills over 300,000 and trying to get SS and denied due to hubby SS goes over the limit for married couples. We are trying to get a spend down with Medicare and they also have been telling us we do not qualify, but you can keep trying. The sad part is I was diagnosed with over 5 rare diseases and each time told I do not have that and they are still looking. We have finally had help with affordable health insurance, through marketplace. Which I thank God for, due to in having so many blood tests they also discovered I have MGUS and it's something I will have to  have test for every 3 months, to make sure does not form into cancer.
Even though we are trying our best and talking to the medical providers, some are listening and others have already sold to collection agencies.  The scariest part is they are quick to put liens on our home with no compassion.  Trying to stay healthy, did not work for me and  now being disable myself it scares me to know, I cannot find help. I always here how the system is broken and now I understand and see for myself.  Thank you Mr. Jon McNamara for reading this and hope you can email me back with some info, if not I understand.
Arey Gol
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Re: Jon McNamara information on health insurance

Post by Arey Gol »

My son, 47 which never could get a job with insurance Benefits. He live in High Point and surrounding area. He just was never able to have medical insurance. With that said, January 31st I took him to emergency room due to severely pain. He had infected diverticulitis with 3 puts pockets which 2 were leaking. The doctor said had I not got to him; he would have died. He was placed on 2 very strong antibiotics to save his life for a week before emergency surgery. While in the hospital he got drop foot and as of now can’t control his foot. His career has been picking up move and maneuver very heavy furniture.
He still hasn’t recovered from the surgery or the drop foot and will have another surgery sometime in the first of May to reconnect his intestines.The Neurologist doesn’t know what’s going to happen yet about his drop foot.The house he’s living in, his Grandmother has a central old heat and air conditioner but has been broke maybe a year or so. David Wright lives at Archdale NC 27263. Jon McNamara, my son David needs air conditioning and health insurance assistance. Just this hospital bill alone is around $73,000.00 not counting anything else or his next surgery.
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