Need help to leave an alcoholic husband

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Need help to leave an alcoholic husband

Post by Wolcott »

I am a mother of 4. We are currently in a home with an alcoholic and I am looking to move out. I do have limited income. I work a full time job making $9 an hour and my paychecks are barely enough to cover just the utilities and some food every month. I am very much ready to leave this abode and feel very stuck as I cannot afford to move, nor can I afford to pay very much for a place to live. I do work from home so I would have to have the internet in order to work. I do not have a vehicle and again, feel very stuck. I would very much like someone to contact me to advise me what assistance is possibly available so I can provide a better life to my 4 children. Thank you very much for your time.
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Re: Need help to leave an alcoholic husband

Post by Daniels »

I am 20 years old and I just had a baby 4 weeks ago and I am looking for all the assistance I can get because I am a single mother who left an alcoholic. I am looking for housing help, bill help, rent assistance and everything that would help me. We are both on sooner care (Medicaid) and we are both on WIC. I was wondering how I apply for everything else like the rent assistance and all that. Thank you for your time.
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Re: Need help to leave an alcoholic husband

Post by sasolis »

Call or visit your local Dept. of Children and Family or welfare office, they can see what is available to assist you. Also call 211 for local resources in your area.
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Re: Need help to leave an alcoholic husband

Post by Bellion »

I'm not sure if you can help, but I have to try so here goes.
I was married to an abusive/alcoholic for 11 years. I found the courage to leave him November 2017. He has since cleaned up. So, for the summer, I let my kids visit him in TN, where we are both originally from. (I'm in MO). After much consideration I decided to move "home" as well, so the kids could see him regularly, and hopefully stabilize them somewhat. Also, during the last couple of months I have been suffering from clinical depression and felt the move would do is all good. I found a place to rent online that I could afford. Through text and calls, the Landlord, my ex and myself arranged for payment of deposit, pet deposit, first and second month's rent, to ensure I had time to gain employment in order to get settled, register kids for school, and be financially stable. So, I wired $2045 to my ex husband to pay the new landlord. I gave notice to my landlord in MO and made arrangements to close business such as utilities, employment, act. My ex then asks to borrow $600 to get dentures, stating he would pay it back before I leave. I agreed because I trusted him even though I knew it would wipe out my savings and that he was an alcoholic. He has always made good money, but was in the middle of a job and wouldn't get paid before his dental appointment.  Just before time to move, my depression became dangerous and suicidal. So, I decided to postpone the move  and seek mental health treatment. So, I cancelled the Rental  house  and asked my ex to send the $2045 + 600 back until I get out of the hospital. HE REFUSED. He stated  he needed to borrow it. I told him NO, it was not his money and I needed it back. We fought strenuously over
calls and texts until eventually he stated the only way he would return the money was if I signed over the kids to him via mail.
So now, he has all of my savings and my kids and I have no money to even go and get them. I will also be homeless as of the 31st as I can't pay the rent here. I can confirm all of this with screenshots of the texts, including his alcoholism. I NEED HELP. I don't even know  where to begin. I have put most of my furniture and truck up for sale trying to recuperate and get the money to go get my kids and secure a place to live, but nothing has sold. I am out of time; I have 8 days. I am in full blown panic. I have nowhere to live, no money ($230 in my account) no way to get my kids, no way to put my stuff in storage. I am losing EVERYTHING because I trusted someone I had known for over a decade. PLEASE.....any type of help would matter. I don't know what else to say. Thank you for at least reading my story.
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