Homecare for elder mom

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Homecare for elder mom

Post by Lawrentandfam »

I am a female 40 year old RN and I am responsible for my 75 year old Mother who lives in Florida. My sister is across the country. I have no other family. Due to health issues I cannot hold down a job anymore so I receive Social Security Disability and it is currently my only income. My Mother receives Social Security Benefits and that is also her only income. Fortunately she is still able to live alone with me living close by. We each live in a mobile home. Unfortunately we are both in need of repairs to our homes but cannot afford it. The carpet in mine is falling apart and I believe that it is a health hazard to breathe the fibers that I see whirling through the air every time I walk across it and my eyes burn constantly from what I believe is off gassing from the carpet. Mother's having floor issues as well. Her laminate floor is starting to separate near her back door because we can't seem to stop rain from seeping through no matter how we try to weatherize it and she can't afford to put an awning over the back door. I am having this same issue with rain coming in my back door but so far the floor at my back door seems intact. My Mother's mobile home is 25 years old and I am praying that the thing will stay intact for the rest of her remaining years because it is her home and it is where she wants to be. She loves her independence. If her health should fail and she should need to live with me I would definitely need to have this carpet out of my place because Mother has asthma and COPD (a lung condition from scarring due to blood clots she once suffered) and she would not be able to breathe these carpet fibers without having serious breathing problems. Needless to say I stay in a constant state of anxiety worrying about what the future holds. I worry about how to pay for many things, I pray that my 5 year old Honda CRV will keep running and I pray for a way to pay for these expensive home repairs. I have exhausted all resources and do not know where to turn. I am now hoping and praying for the assistance of a generous philanthropist who may see merit in assisting us. If you can help direct me to someone or to appropriate resources I will be very grateful. Thank you for your time.
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Re: Homecare for elder mom

Post by Admin »

Well, since you live in Florida there are numerous homecare and senior citizen programs as so many older adults also live in Florida. So you have at least that going for you. As far as repairs to your home, call a local community action agency. Many have information on low interest rate (or even grants) for home repairs. Another option to call is an agency on aging office in Florida. These centers administer a number of resources/assistance programs for senior citizens. Maybe they can arrange respite or homecare for your mom too. And thanks for being an RN and helping others in our country too. Here is our main link of senior assistance programs in Florida. http://www.needhelppayingbills.com/html ... aging.html
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Re: Homecare for elder mom

Post by Santa »

Hello, I live in Madera California 93637. I lost a part time job and I'm living in a house that has $1,000 rent. I have what you call multiple chemical sensitivity and use homecare.
This house is safe for me. I've been here 7 years almost 8 and I'm having trouble paying the rent and I can't move. I'm signed up for housing and different homecare programs and low-income apartments but there is nothing now and it's getting close to where it's either eat or pay the rent. So if there's any kind of programs or anything you guys could do to help me and my mom until something comes up for me I would appreciate it, thank you.
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