Senior citizens needs my medications

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Senior citizens needs my medications

Post by Silverado »

I need to get my medicine. I did not get my food stamps on the 1st of the month. I talked to my case worker. She said in a few days but we are hungry and low on food and I am having problems without my prescriptions. I am a senior and have health issues.
My paychecks go for rent, power, and gas phone. I need my food stamps. My husband is disabled now and Social Security only pays him 267 a month. I don't what to do and I don't see my daughter hungry. I hope soon my food stamps will come as I just don't like to bother people but at work I worry and can't sleep. Thank you for any advice.
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Re: Senior citizens needs my medications

Post by Admin »

There are medications for seniors as part of Extra Help and other Medicare resources. They are all federally funded. Honestly, many seniors do not even know they exist, so poke around and see if thy can meet your needs. in some cases the disabled will even get priority for a discount or free prescription drugs. ... ogram.html
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Re: Senior citizens needs my medications

Post by KStewart »

To whom it may concern,
I'm 46 (47 next month). I am in dire need of some medical help. I live in Merkel TX in government housing, I get $324 a month in back child support owed to me for raising my Son (grand) from birth. I get $194 in food stamps, and that's it. I'm unable to work (last doctors’ orders as of January 22, 2014) he told me to file for Disability but I didn't have enough credits and got denied. So I filed for SSI and got denied so I appealed.
I'm waiting for an appointment to see Judge Raines but it's been almost a year of waiting and I'm in too much pain to have to keep waiting. I was on Medicaid and was taking many prescriptions for my disabilities, but not being able to work and pay my bills, I had my daughter and grand baby move in to help me. But being my grandson’s biological mother, the State said she had to care for him and be put on her case. So the State took away my Medicaid (which means no doctor and no more medications that I need very badly.
He is my son and I am the only Mom he ever knew till recently. I have no money for doctors or medications and everywhere I go, or write, or email I get turned down.
I am real sick and in pain on a daily basis, very depressed and I Need Help getting a doctor and my medications back. I don't feel right at all and it scares me. My Mom died of cancer 2 years ago, a few months later one of my brothers died of cancer, in July of 2014 one of my sisters died of cancer and in January 2015 another sister died of cancer. A few months ago another sister had a heart attack! So you can see why I'm so scared.
I'm having all kinds of issues with my body. I'm so weak all the time, my muscles are always so tight and hurt, my joints ache something horrible and I get stinging, burning, sharp pain in my feet. My legs are an always purple and throbbing, I have to keep moving them to relieve some of the pain. My feet are always ice cold but my body is red and I feel like I have a fever 24/7 but I don't. I can't sleep/rest. I have to keep changing positions to ease my pain. On paper I have Neuropathy, hepatitis c, anxiety depression, back pain, right knee pain (surgery in 2009), Sacroiliitis, chronic pain syndrome, major depression, lumbosacral spondylosis w/ out myelopathy, Raynaud’s syndrome, chronic cervicitis, diabetes mellitus, spondylosis with radiculopathy, degenerative disc disease, osteoarthritis, very high cholesterol!!!!
I Was told I had restless leg syndrome and possibly/probably fibromyalgia from 2 different doctors. I couldn't take the medication they gave me for my legs or for the high cholesterol. I was told to take fish oil pills. My body feels like it's shutting down/giving up. I hurt everywhere and I'm not able to do or go anywhere without a great deal of pain. Medications that I was taking (and I need them back horribly bad) Gabapentin, Meloxicam, Lexapro, Amatriptyline, Tizanadine, Hydrocodones, Ibuprofen 800 and prescription pain patches!!!!
To suddenly get them taken away has really messed with my mind and body. I'm so depressed and stressed, I’m a big cry baby and my family hates me because I get irritated very easily over minor things. I cannot take this pain/feeling of worthlessness/I feel I'm a burden on my daughter and grandkids, I'm supposed to be taking care of them, not them taking care of me. I want to be myself again and no one will help me.
I don't have the money (and neither does my family) to even go to a clinic. I've been turned down by Health Markets, MERCY, indigent? I’ve wrote dozens of letters and emails just to get turned away. I'm at my wits end, I struggle daily just to get up and get dressed (stay in my gown for days) I just don't have the energy /strength to do anything. So I'm asking for Help one last time to whomever could possibly help me get the Medical care I need, back on my medications and get my life back on track My boys fixing to start the 7th grade and he's very active and I would love to be able to join him.
As of right now I'm immobile, useless. Even when I was in treatment I still wasn't able to work and I still hurt, but nothing like I hurt/feel now. I don't like this feeling and the all over pain is getting too hard to bare on a daily basis,24/7,It seems to get worse day by day and when my Sciatica nerve acts up(which is often)it feels like someone stabbing me with a hot poker and running it down my thigh. I can't hardly walk on those days without discomfort because it feels like my back is going to fall out the bottom of my buttocks. It’s hard to deal with this kind of pain/depression every day and I'm at my Witt's end. So please if there is anything that you can do to help me live again and be myself (me) I would sure appreciate it, and I know my family would too. I don't know what else to do and I'm tired of sitting in my room crying all the time. Thank you for hearing my story and God Bless.
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Re: Senior citizens needs my medications

Post by Admin »

Well, those are many conditions you have. There is help from Medicare and other programs, some government funded. Try them for the help you need, including medications for senior citizens which may be free. They also cover the donuts hole and more.
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Re: Senior citizens needs my medications

Post by Donnatell »

Hi, I am writing in regards to my father who is a senior and needs medications. He is 80 years old, lives in an old house that really has no insulation around the windows and doors so therefore it stays either hot or cold. When its extremely cold out the windows will form thick layers of ice around the sill and halfway up the window . One time the window actually cracked.
He was recent diagnosed with stage 4 cirrhosis and need medications for those. He got this not from drinking or doing drugs, but from just having a fatty liver. He actually went in for a hernia surgery, and that is when he found out about his liver, and unfortunately his surgery was put off even longer putting him through even more pain. After 18 months of blood tests , trips to Oklahoma City, countless doctor visits, and I don't know how many phone calls to Ardmore to find out why he was getting his hernia taken care of , he was finally told he had stage 4 cirrhosis and chances are he probably wouldn't make it thru the rest of the year. He did but he has more that 9 bottles of pills he takes a day that his insurance won't cover. His meds for just one prescription costs close to 8,000 dollars and he needs medications for it. Anyway he thinks he can't do anything but pay for these every month and he is in very need of a renovation on his home. He would absolutely be delighted if he was chosen . Please consider this in your decision .
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Re: Senior citizens needs my medications

Post by Admin »

Did you try the medication programs we have listed? If not, low income seniors can also use a free community healthcare clinic. They may have resources too that can assist the elderly. Find details here on free healthcare clinics.
Donnatell wrote: Mon Dec 27, 2021 8:05 am Hi, I am writing in regards to my father who is a senior and needs medications.
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