Need to pay for transplant

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Need to pay for transplant

Post by Partenner »

Need to move because my boyfriend of ten years was hospitalized on April second due to shortness of breath from an x-ray. He showed an enlarged heart working at 15%. We were told if he wanted to live he needs a transplant but only if his other organs were not affected. They said testing found fibulation that the cause was viral heat liver kidney. This is a virus because his body acted like his own heart. He needs a transplant and other support too.
We need help paying for chemo therapy, the transplant operation and medication. The plasma blasts have taken all his white blood cells to hopefully erase his immune systems memory, so now he has no immune system and it won’t begin to be able to fight germs viruses bacteria for six months. Also, it hopefully won’t attack his heart ant pyher organs but he only has 15%.
The place we live in has mold and germs from pets that have seeped into the carpets and into the floors. Shampooing them only brings this up from the saturated floors. And the mold and mildew that grow in the bathroom and on the windows are a threat to his health. Since they can’t do the pace maker or transplant they have done what they Are going to do and will be releasing him.
I have to find a home before then. He is in ICU. He also was told he is diabetic and has sleep apnea. So he has many medical issues.
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Re: Need to pay for transplant

Post by Sterner »

I am a lung transplant patient. I am on s.s disability with my condition for life. I only receive a small check which is not enough to live on independently. I am 51 years old so I don't fit a lot of programs for elderly. I can't work a lot of jobs too because of my illness. I want to find out more about section 8 and 811 if I can qualify any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you and god bless.
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