Tennessee Assistance

People looking for general financial assistance.
Also look here for programs on the main NHPB site for local financial help.
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Tennessee Assistance

Post by puriotia »

I live in lavergne tn 37086 the home that me and my fiance is renting from the homeowner is being forlosure this month we just found out and i was recently laid off from work but been looking for a job and the money we had put up we had to find another place to live for my 2 sons and we dont have no extra money coming in emergency assistance for me and i have nowhere to turn we need assistance in food and paying our utility bills please from lavergne, tn or send me and email
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Re: Tennessee Assistance

Post by Admin »

In Tenesse, try Memphis Light Gas and Water On Track program. This is A payment program that was created to help customers with low and limited incomes to manage all of ther debt needs and to also help pay off their bills over an certain period of time.
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Re: Tennessee Assistance

Post by demorris1975 »

I have just moved back to Tennessee and am not working. I have went to helping hands and they told me we have to be here for 6 months. I have two teenage boys and i have tried to find work. Please help.
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Re: Tennessee Assistance

Post by Admin »

Demorris, what type of help do you need? Anything in particular?
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Re: Tennessee Assistance

Post by Tweedcoat »

I am trying to find help with monthly bills. I was laid off in November. Even tho my husband works we can not get all of our bills paid. The family we rent from is still making payments on the home in which we live, therefore they can not go with out getting paid. We have gotten behind on everything. I am raising 2 sons one is in the middle of having a root canal the other in need to see the dentist. They have no insurance. I tried getting Tenn care but I do not have the oldest shot records. Is there anyone in the Greeneville Tennessee area that can help?
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Re: Tennessee Assistance

Post by Admin »

Are you making payments on rent or a home loan. Our answer and where we direct you for assistance may change based on the reply to that question. That being said, there are programs in Greeneville Tennessee and across the state. Find the Tennessee assistance programs, with information on electric bills, rent, foreclosure prevention, food, and much more. This is the main statewide link that we have, and the counties and cities are midway down the page.
Tweedcoat wrote:I am trying to find help with monthly bills. I was laid off in November. Even tho my husband works we can not get all of our bills paid. The family we rent from is still making payments on the home in which we live, therefore they can not go with out getting paid. We have gotten behind on everything. I am raising 2 sons one is in the middle of having a root canal the other in need to see the dentist. They have no insurance. I tried getting Tenn care but I do not have the oldest shot records. Is there anyone in the Greeneville Tennessee area that can help?
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Re: Tennessee Assistance

Post by Linag »

I am in desperate need of getting help with my rent and utility bills. I'm diabetic, anemic and have high blood pressure and I don't want to leave my apartment. I've been here in Shelby County for four years, and I feel safe here after an accident I've been through. I am disabled, but I did go back to school on line to try to help myself and finished my Bachelor's degree, and still cannot find a job. Please, someone please help me. I have been paying it forward by encouraging our youth and encouraging individuals on substance abuse that there are much better ways to life then drugs and alcohol. I have a motivational and spiritual page on Facebook where people look for my daily posts. I get up every morning the lord wakes me up and I post before people go to school and to work, and have been doing this for four years now. I was also going to Alternative schools and prisons to bring a ministry to help as well. But I had to return my vehicle and now I can't get around. I have faith that something will come through for me, but I know I have to stop feeling embarrassed and reach out and tell someone what's going on, so I can get the help I need. God bless you whoever you are that reads this and helps me. God bless.
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Re: Tennessee Assistance

Post by Menendez »

I was receiving unemployment benefits. As of the 28th they suddenly stopped them. My rent is due which is $450 that I don't have. Also my electric is also due which is $117. I never new my benefits were going to be stopped and that's why I’m asking for help. I just moved into my own place on the 3rd of September in Nashville Tennessee and really don't want to loose my place because of my benefits suddenly being stopped with no warning. I have many applications out there and my resume posted all over different places. So please help me. Thanks for your time.
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Re: Tennessee Assistance

Post by Admin »

Why did the unemployment benefits stop? Did you call the office in Davidson County in which you filed. If not, check with them. As far as short term needs for utility bills, job placement in Nashville, and more, there are many agencies to try for financial help and guidance. Not sure if they can keep you in your place, but call the non-profit financial aid in Davidson County.
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Re: Tennessee Assistance

Post by Mary B W »

I'm a single mom of 5 boys. 1 son I pay child support on and Jefferson County still is harassing me because I can't keep up with the payments. My youngest and oldest girls I receive no child support because their dads are in prison and jail. I work 2 jobs and receive Wisconsin badger care and food stamps.
I've gotten help from energy assistance and crisis a few months ago. I've paid us energies around $600 myself using security finance loans and they still expect me to afford $259 a month with all my other bills. That's the deal they will give me because I'm low-income they said. My bill is still at $800! I hardly think that's right especially when I haven't even been able to pay any of my rent this month yet. In which I'll be receiving a 5-day eviction letter in a day or 2 to pay or vacate my trailer.
Last month Helping hands helped me pay $400 of my lot rent so I could afford to pay US energies and a traffic ticket. So I'm at a loss if I can't somehow get ahead again. I can't even think about what school costs for my kids will dig me further downhill. I'm searching for a third job now which hurts my children already with how much I'm gone and too exhausted by time I get home. I thank god my 12 year old girl tries to help me with my 4 year old when I get home from work so I can relax and breathe for little bit.
So if you have any options available for me ASAP I'd really appreciate it. We energies is giving me until August 14 by 2pm and I'm sure my eviction letter will say I'll have to have that paid by the 15th or 18th depending on when they drop it off. I have no idea where to turn and I'm not sure where else I could find help to keep my family in our home with utilities on. I really wished there was help for parents that don't get any child support. My kids have the bare minimum and it's horrible that my son struggles to smile at kids when they brag to him their new clothes, shoes, skateboards, games, etc. I'm available every day after 6pm and before noon every day except Tuesday's.
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Re: Tennessee Assistance

Post by Admin »

It sounds like you are working very hard for your family. There are some insurance programs in Tennessee that may provide your kids medical care. Also, why do you say you need to pay school costs? What about public school in Jefferson County? Maybe you can also sue the father for child support. As far as other aid for you, here are the Jefferson County TN resources to try. http://www.needhelppayingbills.com/html ... _jeff.html
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Re: Tennessee Assistance

Post by Monder »

Hello, We just relocated to Franklin Tennessee for me to start a job with Noland Construction. We got a hotel and I started working, my truck broke down and I have been getting a friend to take me to work. The hotel I'm in is kicking me out today because I was late on my rent and we are having to leave today on foot.
I still have my job and I am going to go get a tent and stay in the woods and walk to work. My paycheck was little be a use of all the rain and when I paid my back rent at the hotel they told me I had to leave. So I have 100 dollars on me but we have to stay out in the woods or something.
I am packing my stuff now as we speak and I'm so scared of abuse I have to leave my wife during the day to go to work and I'm scared something could happen while I'm at work. I am reaching out for help for the first time in a long time. This is probably the worst situation I have ever encountered and I need help please. A roof over our head until I get paid on Friday would be nice and maybe a hotel near my work until I can pay for it myself. If you can help me please give me a call. Thank you so much and god bless......
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Re: Tennessee Assistance

Post by Howard »

They live in Greenville Tennessee - Greene County,
He works at Parker/ just hired on full time and was admitted to hospital but has now been released. They have 2 children; 1 is Autistic
Mom has not been able to get a job. Still applying, but needs to be available for son after school.
They are 1500 in debt and he has not been released to go back to work - they are 2 months behind on rent of 500.00 and power has been consistently late as he is not guaranteed overtime.
I'm trying to get them financial counsel that takes time and they need assistance straight away.
Please, thank you.
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Re: Tennessee Assistance

Post by Gamefly »

We are a family of 5 myself am disabled, my husband, daughter her fiancé and a 5 month baby. We cannot pay our water bill in Tennessee and am afraid they will turn our water off. Our bill is $843.00. We've been struggling with this bill ever since I could not work anymore. Can you help us or know anyone that can? I live in Wisconsin, I've call st Vincent de Paul they don't help on water bills. Please let us know.
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Re: Tennessee Assistance

Post by Mr_Smith »

I am writing on behalf of an elderly Aunt. I have that is behind on bills and needs help. Friends and family can not afford to keep paying her bills, and she is overwhelmed and needs assistance. We live in Knoxville, TN and need some resources to point us in the right direction for help for her.
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