I am Mentally disabled

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Arey Gol
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I am Mentally disabled

Post by Arey Gol »

I am mentally disabled, and suffer from major depressive disorder, severe anxiety, bipolar, OCD, ADHD, and memory loss. I also have cervical stenosis that required 4 cervical spine surgeries, and 1 surgery for a fractured vertebrae on my lower lumbar spine. The surgeries were all ineffective.
I have lost motion in my neck, and I'm in chronic pain. To pour salt into my wounds, I just found out from my Physician that after a 6 year remission, my leukemia has come back. I'm waiting until I move to Los Angeles to find a primary care Physician, Oncologist, Pain Specialist, and Psychiatrist. I would also like to get back into an outpatient psychiatric therapy group.
I really enjoyed going to those classes. The ironic thing is that I was the most vocal person in the class, and gave out advice to the other patients on how to handle their problems, yet I can't handle my own problems. I had to quit going after 18 months, due to my insurance being cut off, and I couldn't afford their regular fees.
Currently, I'm living in a HUD low income housing for Senior Citizens, and disabled people like myself. Two of my three children live in San Diego, CA. I've come to the conclusion that I can no longer take care of myself. I'm not ready for a nursing home, or an assisted living facility. I will turn 68 on June 5. My only income is Social Security Disability of $1,403 after $105 is taken off for Medicare.
The Housing Authority of LA County is in the process of porting all my documents to the portability specialist in Long Beach, and I will be allowed to find an apartment or condo to rent up to $1,166 per month. The Federal Government will pay 70% of the rent, and I will pay the remaining 30%. I have to move by May 1st or I will lose a $900 credit from the moving company I was supposed to use one year ago, but my move fell through. So far, I have that $900 credit, and I had a charity donate $1,000 towards my move. That leaves me with a balance of $2,000 to make this happen.
The total $3,500 covers the furniture movers, having my car shipped to Los Angeles because of my mental and physical disabilities, I would never be able to drive 2,200 by myself, and my final expense would be my airline ticket. I've been writing over 200 emails and sent them to every politician, major charities, and Philanthropists from Chicago to Los Angeles seeking donations. I only received 3 replies.
I then filled out over 200 credit applications for a $2,000 long term installment loan. I never realized that with each rejection, my credit score dropped a point. Last December, my credit score was 647, as of yesterday, my TransUnion score was 478, and Equifax was 479. I tried explaining my situation, hoping someone would have a warm heart, and try to help me. No one could care less about my problems, or whether I live or die.
The bottom line is that I can't survive any longer without my children’s help. They are the only ones who can help me. I might have a mental breakdown, bipolar episode, or an anxiety turning into a panic attack. They can do the physical things for me that I can no longer do by myself anymore. They will make sure that I get refills, and take my meds, and to keep all of my Doctor's appointments, and finally to take over my finances. Between my obsessive compulsive disorder, memory loss, and irrational thinking caused me to get scammed on the internet, not just once, but twice in the amount of $1,600 the other major issue that happened to me in November and December 2015 that I was issued 8 credit cards. My obsessive compulsive disorder, combined with my memory loss, and nothing thinking very clearly, caused me to max out every single credit cards totaling $10,000.
I was buying things that I didn't even remember ordering. I don't remember who I gave some of the items to, and then irrationally I thought that if I threw away the items that I charged, that I wouldn't be held accountable. I don't have any money to even make the minimum payments to all 8 creditors. The monthly late fees, and interest accrued has turned my $10,000 debt, into $13,000.
I'm hoping, praying, begging and pleading with you to help me with any amount of money that will put me at the $2,000 mark that I need, or if you know any furniture movers who would do this as charity. Could you possibly recommend a realtor who specializes in Section 8 Vouchers? I have never been to Los Angeles before, and I don't know which neighborhood is save, and which ones that have a high crime rate. I have that fear from living in Chicago where every weekend there are 10 to 20 homicides, and 50 shootings. Right now I feel like I'm living in Hell, and I'm frightened of what's going to happen to me next.
Every day, it becomes harder and harder to even get out of bed. I usually go to bed at 7:30 pm and go to sleep. I'm at the end of my rope, and my only chance for survival is to Lear near my children. I know it's a 25 mile rider from Culver City to Los Angeles, but it's better than being 2,200 miles away. I know that my children will be there for me in a heartbeat. They are all I have in my life, plus I have a 22 year old son who lives in Kansas City, and we are trying to convince him to move to Los Angeles.
I also have a best friend, my Therapy Dog. He's a 10 year old Cockapoo. He's been my lifesaver on many occasions. He's so smart, and he helps me my depression, and when I have severe anxiety, he stops that from becoming a panic attack. The two of us honestly know, understand, and communicate with each other. He's with me 24/7, whether it's going to Walmart, a movie theater, or a restaurant. He gives me nothing less that unconditional love. He's so gentle, lovable, and very friendly. Our building manager calls him the mascot of our building.
Two years ago, I threw him a birthday party. I bought him a dog cake from PetSmart, and cake and coffee for the human residents. One of our Senior Citizens played on the piano, Happy Birthday to You. Fifteen people came to the party, and all of them had presents for the dog. I've got two weeks left to take every measure to get my life back. I can't live without my kids. I feel so beaten up, medically, emotionally, and physically. I am drained, and have lost the fight. That's why I'm reaching out to you, hoping that you are a Godsend, a miracle, and you’re my last and only hope.
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Re: I am Mentally disabled

Post by Admin »

That is some email. We do have assistance programs for the mentally disabled listed on the site. But with that list of needs you have, it may be tough. As there is not really that much help offered by the government or anyone agency. So you may need to look into non-standard options...living with family, go to a home, etc.
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