Homeless veteran

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Homeless veteran

Post by Magic »

This man is in his late 50's, has a home, had a job at Sukups, etc. Over the holidays he was arrested at his home because a woman went to the hospital claiming she was held against her will. This all sounds bad and the guy obviously made some really poor choices to say the least. The police put him in jail and
ransacked his house. Later the women informed the police that she and another women had been smoking "dope" all day and she couldn’t remember much, this was a long term friend of the man. He spent I think two months in jail, they couldn’t find enough evidence to charge him with much, I think a small amount of marijuana. This is the short story.
Now, I don’t normally get involved in anything like this, but he isn’t such a detriment to society that he should be left to freeze to death. I do believe he has changed his ways, but he is in such a financial mess that there is no way out. He lost his job, car, all utilities were shut off and he has went everywhere to find work and some assistance. I would help him myself, but do not have that kind of money. He is a veteran and the VA wont even help him!
Is there anything or anyone who will help him? He is a smart man who has made some stupid choices. He is the type of person that gardens, cans food, fishes used to be a DNR officer at the lake and he is kind to others. He needs a hand up, please.
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Re: Homeless veteran

Post by Zach »

Hi, I came across your site and am hoping that you might be able to help me. I am a survivor of a ten year abusive relationship and due to some bad decisions when I obtained my freedom I have spent this year in and out of jail. I was Released Thursday. I am now homeless and the only thing that I have to my name literally are the clothes on my back, as well as the fact I am a veteran.
Its freezing and I have now where to go and no one to turn to. I am literally alone and scared honestly. I refuse to be defeated so I am reaching out everywhere I can. Any help would be a blessing. I need clothes. Hygiene. A backpack. A coat. Gloves. Food. Bus token help getting an ID so I can get a job. A place to sleep as I am homeless....anything.
I can get my job of 16 years back (that I had after I left the military) if I have a place to stay and can get internet. I work from home for an IT company in Pennsylvania Essential Enterprise Solutions. I cannot find help anywhere yet. My child is grown. I a veteran, but have no mental illness. My domestic abuse was last October so not recent he tried to kill me so I didn't leave but am not currently in immediate danger and in the first 5 Weeks of this year made over $8000. So I'm kind of between all the cracks to get assistance. Anything helps. Thank you.
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