Legal advice for apartment

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Legal advice for apartment

Post by PatMac »

I rent a duplex and wasn't able to stay there for the past 3 weeks due to flooding, leaks, and no hot water or heat. I lost wages and personal things in the flood, however my landlord is saying I have to pay full rent, and won't discuss my personal pay and property loss. He said if I don't pay rent within 5 days he will start eviction proceedings. I need some legal advice please.
Thank you,
Clark County Indiana
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Re: Legal advice for apartment

Post by Admin »

I agree, you do need to speak to an attorney. I am not sure if your landlord can make you pay rent in this case. There are some pro-bono and not for profit law firms in Indiana that you can contact for free legal advice and assistance. Here is a listing of them, and use this link and resource to find more information ... and_f.html
The number one firm to call would be Indiana Legal Services, and their phone number is (317) 631-9410. they offer free legal aid for housing concerns, eviction, and landlord/tenant issues.
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Re: Legal advice for apartment

Post by BQuick »

He is in the lower New York jail I’m His wife I just want to let you know he has a medical condition. He was in a fatal car accident July 2012 and his condition one fall, push, shove can kill him. I don't want to lose him as I did my brother that you guys allowed to die in prison due to lack of medical treatment as he was ignored when he asked for medical to see him. As my husband has been doing and getting refused and they just keep telling him there is nothing wrong with him. Just like they did my brother as he died in 2005. Please consider my worries as I have lost one love one. And see the same pattern happening to my husband. And he is not a violent man there should be no reason why he can't come home before something happens to him. I and his mother will make sure he gets the proper care he needs. Plus he is gonna be a daddy soon. And he will make the world’s greatest dad we love him so much please send him home where he belongs. Thank-you so much for taking the time to read my letter.
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Re: Legal advice for apartment

Post by Der456 »

My husband and I along with my 3 small children (all girls) live in a duplex in Onondaga County new york. We had code enforcement come out yesterday to check out the house. We have black mold, water damage, cracks in the foundation, illegal closing in the back and it is not properly sealed. I spoke with the code enforcement lady, and this was all revealed. I was wondering what could be done to get our money back for all the rent we have paid since it was this way when we moved in. I have calculated the amount and it is over $7,000.00. It is too much for small claims court. I was just wondering if I have any rights or options as a tenant. Your assistance would be much appreciated.
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Re: Legal advice for apartment

Post by Armstrong »

Hello. I don't know what to do. My neighbor is in sad shape. His landlord refuses to fix up his trailer. Sammy mentioned to me that he has refused to pay the rent because the floor is falling in and is so soft and I am surprised no one has fallen through the floor and he is waiting to move into another place but John won't fix the floor. The laundry room has a piece of particle board on it but when I went to visit Sammy and went to the back door to let the door in I just about fell through the floor. It's horrible. Sammy is always getting bad headaches because there is black mold all over in the house but he doesn't have any place to move to until the place he is moving into is done. I don't know if you help out with things like this but the house he is moving into needs a stove and refrigerator and some new carpet and the guy is putting Sheetrock in the basement. The walls were all smashed in and the poor guy has been waiting all summer to move into the house but this John guy is older and doesn't move to fast. Is there any way that you can help him move in faster? I can't believe John won't fix the place. The shower has a crack someplace and I am sure there is black mold in the bedroom also. It's allover the place. Brad even had to put new carpet into the living room cause John said that he would pay for it and never did so now brad has an outstanding bill with someone in Ohio for the carpet. I accidentally saw the bill one day when I was over there. If you could forward this to someone it would help out a lot. He is on food stamps but I don't know what is happening with any repairs and his house has been like this since before Christmas. He discovered this house for the possibility of renting back in May and this guy Duke has been trying to get it done for Sammy to move into. It would have so much more room for him and his boys. I know he is struggling with his bills. I don't think anyone should have to live in conditions like this and pay $500 a month. His house is unsafe for him and his boys. Can you please forward this to the proper people if any? Thanks. Sammy doesn't dare say anything to anyone cause he doesn't want to end up on the streets. He has some pets but this isn't humane is it? thanks.
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Re: Legal advice for apartment

Post by Wader »

I have been living in my sister’s house downstairs for 4 years. I haven't paid the rent and utilities for 3 years due to low income and in 5 weeks I will have no income. Even though she is my sister this is a month to month verbal roommate agreement and I need assistance paying her. She has decided that I can no longer stay here unless I can pay her some amount of rent. I have no place to go. My parents live in the middle of nowhere in Missouri and I have Doctors and Medication I need that I can only get in St. Louis through the Saint Luis Free Health Clinic. And until I can somehow get my Depression, Anxiety and Bipolar disorders under control to where I can work or my Disability Claim is approved I have no way to pay her or get housing anywhere else.
Kathy Jean
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Re: Legal advice for apartment

Post by Kathy Jean »

Hello, I was recently online doing some researching and I found your site that said you offer free legal advice and representation. I recently left a very abusive partner whom I have a daughter with. My daughter and I moved out of state in order to get away from him. We currently have no custody agreement in place however we both signed the birth certificate and my daughter does have his last name. However, given his violent past and extensive criminal record as well as a pretty serious mental illness that I was unaware of at the time, I am interested in filing for full custody with no visitation or at most court supervised visitation.
I am not sure how to go about doing this and am not in a financial position to hire a lawyer. I would like any advice and/or representation you would be able to offer.
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Re: Legal advice for apartment

Post by WalinAtkisson »

My name is Brian. I need help with legal services as I was hurt on the job I do not know the process of going through the workman's comp program I have  fell behind in my bills and my apartment rent. In the process of being hurt so I'm reaching out today to ask for help and legal matters for financial matters, apartment housing and food Matters. Please get back to me as soon as possible or at your earliest convenience thank you and have a blessed day. Oh, I live in Dallas Texas 75238.
Salina Smith
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Re: Legal advice for apartment

Post by Salina Smith »

I’m in a bad situation. I’m registered with legal aid to get advice for an apartment. I was thrown out of where I was staying without notice with the help of friends I was placed in the Inn in Reading PA in Wyomissing County. My funds have run out. I’m scared and alone here I have my dogs with me as well Friday is the last day here. Please I’m new to this area and I have no knowledge of how and where to go I’m on SS for an apartment. I need help please with legal advice.
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