Affordable medical care in Maine

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Affordable medical care in Maine

Post by Queena »

I've, been trying to get help as I'm on SSDI and have had such a horrible time getting my needs met for health care hence been improperly medicated, hence complete instability!
I've been to social services where my case manager insured my loss of Maine care as he was upset about paying child support hence he assumed I would get child support or back child support which lead me to loose my Maine Sooner then necessary and I went to department of health & human services where I spoke to a non English speaking man that misunderstood everything I said still I went back 3 times begging for help.
He said income is too high nothing you can do? Which had I had some help and read my right to obtain Maine care for medically needy or various other reasons my absolute nightmare may have been prevented.
I've contacted supervisors department heads to no solution.
I am going to an mental institute as I'm close to suicide I can't pay my rent my son watches my completely un stable behavior which is how I grew up hence, why I'm on disability.
Usually I work in the summer in hopes of getting of disability instead too unstable as well as God forbid I did work and made money to get ahead as I'll loose my benefits!
What kind of system deters disabled to not work for fear of having a better life???
I thank God my sons father does contribute and is involved in his life but thinks I'm a selfish loser!
Please help me!!!
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Re: Affordable medical care in Maine

Post by Admin »

If you are disabled, there should be some resources that are part of SSDI that address medical needs. Did you call your case managers or social service office to ask? If they can't help, then I doubt we can. Many hospitals do offer support to people without medical insurance, and those are often the more affordable options. Some maybe try those. In the meantime, read more Maine uninsured medical care.
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