Need housing assistance homeless

The main NHPB site has more information on local rent assistance programs.
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Need housing assistance homeless

Post by rachellemccormick »

I recently lost my job and apartment. Live in mesa,az. I have a 1 1/2 year old daughter to take care of. Its hard to find a job when i dont know where im going to be staying and have no transportation. I have a place to stay for the next few days. I live in mesa, arizona and to be out on the streets with my baby girl when the temperture is 112 degrees outside is insane. I would like any information or numbers to call so i can get some help for me and my daughter. Ive never asked for help before so i dont even know where to start looking for help. I googled in need of help with rent and this site is what i found. So please if you can give me any advice or places/numbers to call Id appreciate it. In desperate need,
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Re: Need housing assistance homeless

Post by Admin »

In Mesa Arizona, if homeless or need help with rent, try the Housing & Revitalization department. It manages housing assistance programs that benefit low and mid income residents and it also runs the Rental Assistance, Housing Rehabilitation and Escobedo Housing programs, which give money for rent and find homes
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Re: Need housing assistance homeless

Post by JoeBrown »

Please don't turn me away; I am beginning to lose hope. I know there are good caring people out there. My faith is what is keeping me going and I know our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will provide and protect my family from any further harm.. I have been to every agency searching for help; I am in a situation not to my doing. I am (my husband as well) homeless and have been a victim of a vicious assault by my sister in law whom I was living with. Currently St. Vincent de Paul has put me in a local motel for 5 days and I am scared to sleep in our vehicle again. The cost of the motel stay is $35 a night and I ever so grateful. My children still remain at the residence where this situation occurred due to the fact I am living in my truck with my husband. I have no place to take my children and my small therapy dog. We have been struggling to get back on our feet after an eviction and recently filing bankruptcy. We had nowhere to turn except to ask move in with the only family members who offered help. The family members which we moved in with have had a history of domestic problems where arguments often that have escalated to physical altercations and our family unit would seek shelter in bedroom roughly 8 by 12 feet until the disturbance subsided. My sister-in law often erupts violently as she and her husband claim that they are due to medications or the lack of meds that she takes for epileptic seizures. We did not wish to judge, disagree or get in the middle of any of their disputes. But on Saturday April 17, 2012 we were unfortunately caught in the middle of one of their altercations. It has been court ordered that my sister has no contact with me until further order of the court. I am desperate to get my children to safety. I as a mother am begging you to personally contact me via telephone and talk to me. Please help me I have nowhere to turn and I am in fear for my children and my little therapy dog (already under great stress).
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Re: Need housing assistance homeless

Post by Admin »

St. Vincent DePaul did a great job for you, and they pulled through again. They are always one of the nations best charity organizations, and motel vouchers is something they can do. Well, maybe you should stay with your sister and family members as long as possible to save some money for rent on your own. Even if it is difficult to stay with then, the positive is it provides you time to save some cash. We do not call people, and only email individuals who ask for help. Sorry. If you want someone to call you, you need to go somewhere else. However look into section 8 housing, and click here for more information on the federal government housing and rent vouchers. Maybe that program can get you situated.
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Re: Need housing assistance homeless

Post by Fritz »

I am unemployed with 4 kids . My wife is the only one working and my rent is 750$ a month . I have been looking for work for 2 yrs . We are about to be homeless . Can you please help us. I suffer from mental illness. I may be divorcing soon and my husband cannot afford to pay for two households. Is there help for me with my rent? My husband can help but not entirely. Because of my mental illness, it is better for me that my son live with his father until I improve.
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Re: Need housing assistance homeless

Post by Ju Jansen »

I need HELP for my family and myself. We are currently HOMELESS. Please HELP ME. I tried HUD, Central valley housing and different programs and I only receive notification that I am on a waiting list. I am currently disabled because of my health issues. Please HELP ME TO HELP MY WIFE AND KIDS. THANK YOU. I have a message phone at my grandmas email address, and I receive mail there too. I live in Stockton California. Just need HELP to get my family off the streets.
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Re: Need housing assistance homeless

Post by Preta1 »

I am in need of deposit and rental assistance to get back on my feet. I have always been a hard worker and kept a home for myself and 2 boys but recently came to a downfall that has led to an eviction, job loss. I am currently 5 months pregnant and living in a motel in Jacksonville Florida and in need of major help of getting my life back on track, not for me but for my kids. I do not have help or support from family and need direction on how to get started again.
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Re: Need housing assistance homeless

Post by SgtMertoo »

I am currently "homeless" in Wisconsin. I lost my job a few months back after being hurt on the job. I was getting workman's compensation but that stopped after being terminated. I applied for disability but was refused. I applied for unemployment after being terminated and wasn't helped due to the fact that my doctor hasn't yet released me to go back to work. I have 4 kids and no place to call home. I've tried several programs but to no avail. I desperately need help at least a down payment and the first month's rent. I have an interview lined up and hopefully with God's help I will land this job but until then I have nothing. I also need a used, good working car...have a van but it needs a lot of work.
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Re: Need housing assistance homeless

Post by Oswald12 »


I'm seeking help with rent, security, and baby items for me and my 4 year old son. We are currently homeless and looking for any resources that will help us in Davenport, A. I was working full time until complications with pregnancy cause me to take a leave. Now with my baby here it's very difficult to pay for childcare and I was unable to return to work. My husband abandoned me shortly before her birth and I haven't heard from him since. Any referrals will help.
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Re: Need housing assistance homeless

Post by Bobbie13 »

I am currently homeless and unemployed. I hope this message gets through because my my computer that I am using keeps deleting everything I type and putting my sentences in the wrong order. It just keeps jumping all over and not making sense to me so Am very sorry if this is difficult to read. My husband was the sole provider for our family but we were divorced last month. My 3 children went to live with him until I can get a job and find an apartment for me and my 3 children. My kids what to come back home with their mom so badly, they call me every night to see if I got a job or place to live yet and it breaks my heart. I am actively looking for a job with every waking moment I have and I have been on a few interviews but it has been hard for me to find a way to keep gas in my car to get to these interviews. When I do become employed I’m not sure what I’m going to do to get to and from work everyday when I have no gas money. I just do not know where to go or who to turn to that can help me get my life back together so my babies will have a home to come back to since the are not happy at their dads house and they want me to get them. I don’t know who to call or where to go and I’m not sure what type of help is available to someone in my position home with me so badly. I am actively seeking work.
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Re: Need housing assistance homeless

Post by Admin »

Where in Wisconsin? We have the entire state covered with various assistance programs, including rent, shelters, and resources for the homeless. You may want o contact legal aid on some of those workmen comp issues too, as if what you are saying is the case it sounds unusual. A company can't fire someone to end their workmen compensation, or really every company would just always fire people who are hurt on the job and no one would get paid. Any, to get more information on the Wisconsin programs click here.
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Re: Need housing assistance homeless

Post by Troyyer »

I am homeless with 3 small children under ten years old. I was evicted from my Missouri home as of July 1st. My rent was $1100 a month. Husband usually works seasonal on bridge work but hasn't work more then two days this season. He hasn't been able to find work anywhere and is currently collecting unemployment of $400 a week. Currently staying with mother in law and may be able to move into a $1000 a month house with 3 bedrooms the 1st of November if the owner decides to rent. The house is for sale and he says hill rent it by November if it doesn't sell. This is the 5th time we have had to move because of problems paying all the rent. We are trying to see if were eligible for rent assistance.
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Re: Need housing assistance homeless

Post by Thompson »

Need help please read.
I am on a waiting list for Clearwater Housing Authority but unfortunately I will be homeless on 8/1.
Presently I receive $625 monthly from SSI. I also receive a pension from Sears $130 monthly. I am 55 years of age. I am disabled.
I need help and guidance as I am attempting to relocate from Miami to Clearwater Florida.
Please note: I do not need permanent assistance as my income will double on 10/1/2015 with SS retirement of which I am already signed up to receive with the Social Security Administration. I simply need slight assistance for August-September will get me thru, to that October 1st change.
I'm attempting to get into a one bed room apartment. Yesterday I traveled to their facility and they assured me they can accommodate my needs.
I have 85 percent of the finances to make this move and maintain a roof over my head. I am more than willing to travel back to Clearwater to discuss with anyone, ways of assistance to get me in these Apartments.
Can you give me a name and phone number of any and all, available agencies who might be able to assist a heart patient who has experienced triple by-pass surgery and who is a victim of a recent heart attack.
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Re: Need housing assistance homeless

Post by Elway J »

I need emergency housing. My husband and I recently separated and he is refusing to pay any of the bills. I am unemployed and have no income. I was previously on disability but they stopped my checks and I am working on getting that back. I have no money and nowhere to go.
Please help me. I read where vets can get help. My ex was in the military and does that apply to me to as far as getting assistance?
He has shut off my phone otherwise I would give you a number to call me back. I would appreciate your urgent attention to this matter.
You can reach me by email. I hope to soon have a phone where I can call about resources available to me.
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Re: Need housing assistance homeless

Post by Hulug »

I relocated from GA to Florida for an awesome position. However, shortly after relocating and starting, I was laid off without and explanation. I stayed with a friend for a few weeks, and eventually she told me that I had to leave. In that same week, I interviewed with and received a position with CBS Sports. The problem is, I'm homeless and have been sleeping at the airport for the past few nights without showering. I cannot start a job next week in these conditions.
I found roommate housing. However, it's 800 to move in. I paid the owner of the property my last 100 to hold the room and a friend promised to pay the 800 for me to move in. It's now the move in day and my friend suddenly cannot pay the move in fee. I have a job, but just need a bit of help to pay for housing until I receive my first check from my new job. $800 paid directly to the owner of the property is all I need to get back on my feet.
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