Work to pay bills

Tips, ideas, and ways to increase your income or make money.
There are other job and income opportunities on NHPB. Look here for work from home jobs.
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Work to pay bills

Post by lesliaklendman »

Hello my name is Leslie my husbnds name is travis. I have 5 children. and i have been looking for work since i came bk from wyoming. and so far i have only gotten a mistry shoping but it dont pay well at all.. my husband is working as a security officer and only gets paid 10.00 an hour. we have all our bills over due and have notices for all of them.. i would like to know if i could get some help with getting a job to help out with bills or for now some kind of help with rent and bills...Please we have no one else to turn to please help us.. please please please.. we realy need some help..
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Re: Work to pay bills

Post by Admin »

A bunch of work from home programs exist. Here is a resource for them. ... _bill.html
You can try homeshoring, selling pre-paid legal plans, online juries. Some other opportunities for work at home include online surveys, product testing, and more online type jobs.
lesliaklendman wrote:Hello my name is Leslie my husbnds name is travis. I have 5 children. and i have been looking for work since i came bk from wyoming. and so far i have only gotten a mistry shoping but it dont pay well at all.. my husband is working as a security officer and only gets paid 10.00 an hour. we have all our bills over due and have notices for all of them.. i would like to know if i could get some help with getting a job to help out with bills or for now some kind of help with rent and bills...Please we have no one else to turn to please help us.. please please please.. we realy need some help..
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Re: Work to pay bills

Post by Trew1 »

I was recently terminated from job due to cutting back. I've finally got out of an abusive relationship found a place of my own and as soon as I moved in 3 weeks later I was terminated. I've been searching for a job ever since and haven't landed one yet and I'm facing eviction..And I truly need some help. As my pastor say I may be down but I'm not out...So I know my breakthrough is a praise away....Thanks
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Re: Work to pay bills

Post by Admin »

Just try some of the work from home jobs, like online surveys, mystery shopper, etc. While won't make you rich, they can give you some extra cash to spend towards your bills and debts. ... _bill.html
Trew1 wrote:I was recently terminated from job due to cutting back. I've finally got out of an abusive relationship found a place of my own and as soon as I moved in 3 weeks later I was terminated. I've been searching for a job ever since and haven't landed one yet and I'm facing eviction..And I truly need some help. As my pastor say I may be down but I'm not out...So I know my breakthrough is a praise away....Thanks
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Re: Work to pay bills

Post by Tolbert »

lately I have been calling various numbers. The numbers I have called include Salvation Army, churches, and rent assistance. They all have said that they did not have any funds to provide any aid with my bills. I went to the website: ... _bill.html seeking help with my bills. I am requesting more information so that I can find some sort of help with my finances. Thank you for your time.
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Re: Work to pay bills

Post by TracMaz »

I am writing you to ask for help in any way you can give me. I have returned to school and gotten through two years trying to get my associates degree, but I cannot afford to make it on the grant and loans that I have been awarded as well as the child support that my ex gives for my two boys that are still under age. I have been trying to get a job because I need to bring in more money and I have been unsuccessful in my attempts to garner employment. I was wondering if I could ask for some employment assistance to make me an attractive candidate for employment. I am afraid I do not have much of a work history because I spent 14 years being a stay at home mom and when I escaped my abusive relationship taking my two children to a woman's shelter, I had to find a job to get a place to live, I got a job at a restaurant and worked there for two and a half years, but had to leave when my hours were cut back to practically nothing and they would call me last minute to work, something difficult to do with my children. There have been numerous health difficulties that I had to work through with them, two are adults now, but the other two are still at home, and one had a concussion from a baseball hitting him on the temple a year ago. I managed to help him despite going to school, but with the economy where it is now, I just have nothing left to make it through, and I have to find a job. My parents are suffering health problems as well as the challenge of dementia and I am frequently called on to help them as well. Still, I know that if I can find a job with set hours of work, I will be able to help them and be there for my children; however the chance has not presented itself wherever I have managed to apply for jobs. I fear that the job market has changed much since I last searched for a job, and I have not found any hope in my search. I need help and am very discouraged. I want to get caught up on my bills, but more and more keep coming in to have to pay for, and I am just finding myself having to put off one bill for another each month to try to keep from sinking completely. If you can direct me where to go to get something soon, I would be so appreciative as I want to be self sufficient and I need to earn enough for my boys to have clothes that fit well and healthy food, instead of what is cheap enough to purchase on little money. My son has health concerns, he was eating all he could when he was unable to do much after his concussion, and he has health problems as a result of that and a suspected though not diagnosed high functioning Aspergers syndrome, and my daughter who is 18, but was also attending the local university in Florida, has several sensitivities to food and is on a very restricted diet as well. I don't know where else to turn, I have always tried to make do with what I had to work with, but I have sold anything of value to try to make it through until I found a job and I am really scared that I will never find a way out. I really need to find a way and I really hope that you can help me help myself as soon as possible. I appreciate any and all help you can give me. I pray that you will be able to give me some direction, I really feel like everything is hopeless and I am on the verge of losing my car and my insurance on the car, that will be the end of my ability to keep it together. I pray that you can give me some help. I pray that you will be able to help me with some direction and advice, anything at all that you can offer to help me, I will be so grateful. Thank you for your time.
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Re: Work to pay bills

Post by Boohyel »

I was victim of theft and need to get on feet again. Not want to be homeless and seeking help for my wife and I. Would work and never problem as I believe in working for what you get. I just need a job to get some money. Because of my putting all efforts preventing this theft legally I have not much but need help to pay rent to allow work and move on. Is this available? My wife is 62 and I 57 years old.
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Re: Work to pay bills

Post by Dominic »

My husband lost his job two weeks ago and rent is due today and heating bill to. I only have 652.00 in my checking account and my electric bill has not been paid in 2 months, the loan office has been trying to get in contact with us, grand furniture bill is overdue, and car payment bill is due on the 4th of the month. We are in a very difficult situation and we need assistance as soon as possible. My husband has filed for unemployment, and he has been applying to jobs.

We are hoping to get help soon, so we will not be evicted this month. Also, I have attached his resume.
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Re: Work to pay bills

Post by aura »

Good evening,

While researching ways to receive temporary assistance with my heating bill I stumbled onto this article about making money writing articles. I’ve heard about people making from home but I always thought it was a gimmick. I have a seven month old son and while my husband works it’s very difficult to make ends meet. We’re receiving financial assistance in the way of forty dollars a month via food stamps. I’m sure if I were an unwed mother I’d probably be fairing much better, but it seems like you get punished for being married. I can’t afford daycare and since there is no one else to watch my son I spend all day cleaning, cooking, and taking care of him. If I could find another way to help my family it would be so great. Any information you could give me would be greatly received.

Thank you for your consideration!
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Re: Work to pay bills

Post by CharleD »

I'm not looking for financial assistance so I'm not sure if this website is able to help in any way. I'm looking for guidance perhaps, or even just some positive words if reassurance.
A little over a year ago I temporarily moved back with my parents while my friend and I looked for a new place together. During that time I found out my dad had lung cancer among other serious complications. We lost him recently and he was my mom's main financial support. Before we lost him we were both more financially stable and driving cars that barely ran so we traded them in and bought more reliable cars. Needless to say we both now have more bills and have both took a loss in pay since my father’s death, not to mention his added support my mom no longer has. We both have been trying as hard as we can to move up on our jobs and look for a second income. I recently accepted an offer over an hour away because I couldn't turn down the promotion and raise. I also work in another store in a different nearby city but I'm paying so much on gas that I actually am still snuggling quite a bit.
Though I am working 7 days a week, I'm not getting enough hours a day for what I need to make. My mom is still looking for a second job. We had to leave our home which held our last memories of my dad because we just couldn't afford to stay there. We are now in a cheaper place and still unable to pay all of the bills. I'm still looking for an even higher paying/ closer job. It's been hard on us to suddenly deal with all this and the loss of a father and husband. I'm very hard-working and would love the opportunity to even go to school to further my career with a company. I would greatly appreciate any advice, especially in looking for work that will actually pay our bills.
Thank you,
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