Help getting to a doctor appointment for kids

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Help getting to a doctor appointment for kids

Post by JamesGag »

I am a single parent with two children with disabilities. I am requesting help or guidance to an organization that will help me get my vehicle fixed. My DHS worker says I must work in order to get help with my vehicle, but I cannot work because of my children's medical issues and problems at school.
My oldest daughter 22 years old has a rare genetic disorder deletion of chromosome 22 q 11: Small stature, developmental delay, constipation, allergic rhinitis, moderate persistent asthma (chronic), femoral anteversion, hallux valgus, vitamin D deficiency DiGeorge Syndrome (chronic) pronation of feet, eustachan tube dysfunction, ADHD attention deficit hyperactivity disorder combined with inattentiveness. if that is not enough, she also has a learning disorder, hand weakness (writer's cramp, numbness and tingling in hand), obstructive sleep apnea (CPAP), velopharyngeal incompetence, back strain, leg strain, hypernasality, and uses a walker and wears braces. She sees a lot of physicians and is very sensitive and easily persuaded.
My youngest daughter is 13 years old. She has Asthma, food allergies, environmental and seasonal allergies, ADHD hyperactivity and impulsive disorder, Oppositional defiance disorder, hypersomnia and eczema. She is constantly suspended or having an allergic reaction and has experience traumatic situations molestation and domestic violence and is easily persuaded.
My children see a lot of physicians, specialists and therapists. I travel Monday through Friday to medical appointments form Downtown Detroit, Dearborn, Ann Arbor, Canton, and Northville. I have not worked in 2 years due to their disabilities requiring multiple medical appointments throughout the week and because no one will babysit them because of their disabilities.
We receive $220.00 in food stamps. My oldest child receives $540 in social security disability and we receive child support that fluctuates from $160.00 to $560 monthly. I have a mortgage $490.
I expense $160.00 a month in gas for vehicle to take my children back and forth to their medical appointments. This does not include the cost of utilities and vehicle maintenance. I drive a 2003 ford escape. My vehicle is now giving me problems: transmission; will not go in reverse I push it into parking spaces, I do not have money to get it fixed. It recently stalled and will not start, I now must get a boost to go to appointments and when leaving appointments. I do not have a family support system.
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Re: Help getting to a doctor appointment for kids

Post by Admin »

While of course there are no guarantees, some charities such as the Salvation Army either offer bus tokens or vouchers, or maybe they coordinate volunteers to drive people to the doctor. Now once again, this is rare, but you can call your local Family Service Center and ask them. At most they will say no, or maybe refer you to someone who can help. They may need proof of illness, disability, etc. But try the Salvation Army for a ride. They may also provide other service to you since you are low income.
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Re: Help getting to a doctor appointment for kids

Post by National Jim »

Due to a loss of education income, I am now facing loss of necessary vehicle, so we can't get to a doctor appointment. To date I have been able to keep up with payments through SSDI fixed income and with some help from refunds from schooling. The schooling has a forgiveness program, but the vehicle payments with insurance during the financing has pushed the payments on the vehicle above budget. My budget without the vehicle would be enough to afford rent, utilities and basic vehicle insurance, with some left over. But after paying 35 out of 54 payments on the vehicle and its necessity in reaching medical appointments with mental and physical medical professionals.
I am seeking help in keeping the vehicle to us for the doctor and getting back to a stable situation within fixed income budget. I have already dealt with budget counselors and even with the need of the vehicle, they say sell the vehicle as it is considered a luxury item. Many of my medical as well as doctor appointments fall outside of public transportation schedules and with mental conditions public transportation is impossible. Not including the troubles of traveling with a service dog in such situations. Need help in keeping vehicle.
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Re: Help getting to a doctor appointment for kids

Post by Goodman »

Hi, I'm a single mom with two daughter's one has a chronic kidney disease and the other has chronic asthma. My 12 year old daughter has a kidney disease and is in an oar of the hospital and I lost my horn and my vehicle because of having to be with her at the hospital while she was admitted in.
I have been struggling to find more work but live way out in County were is hard to get a ride anywhere, I'm having a hard time even getting my daughter to her doctor appointments she has missed quite a few, and that not good with the condition she is in. I saw your website and was wondering if there was any services in my state that would help me out with getting some transportation so I can get another job an get my daughter's to the doctors and hospital when needed?
I have no support from family. I'm all on my own an I'm falling apart here a thing's aren't getting any better. Can you help please? I live in Scotland County.
Please contact me with any info. Our Help you may can help me get. Thanks a May God Bless You!!! I wouldn't ask if I really wasn't in need I'm struggling everyday an every time I find a joy I can't get to to it because I have no car or no one will come where I live to give me a ride and my kids are suffering because of it and it's killing me to know I can't provide for them not because I don't want to but because I can't get to work.
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Re: Help getting to a doctor appointment for kids

Post by Admin »

Well, we can't "help" you make the appoint per see. But there are free medical clinic, programs such as CHIP insurance, and other ways to get your kids either free or low-cost care. Also look into programs such as Medicaid, but here are details on free health care including for kids.
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