Being foreclosed on

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Being foreclosed on

Post by Laz »

Oregon My husband is terminal We are being foreclosed on and have to be out by 09/02/2010 we bought on a landsale/owner/carry contract.We have low credit score due to medical We need to buy the man out 162,000. Need attorney to fight this. Legal aid went as far as they could within our state guidelines. We started small animal rescue and this has helped my husband immensely but now we will have to get rid of his dogs and he is decling due to the stress and giving up his companions. We need a hard money loan or a charity willing to pay off this greedy man fast and then let us pay them on a normal legal loan
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Re: Being foreclosed on

Post by Admin »

Have you heard of or tried the Oregon Hardest Hit Fund? This is a crisis type program that provides zero interest loans, or cash grants, to help people pay their mortgage if they lost their job, had a reduction in income from hours being cut back or a medical emergency, and is otherwise a good option for thousands of Oregon homeowners to get help. ... fund_.html The Oregon state housing agency runs the program.
Laz wrote:Oregon My husband is terminal We are being foreclosed on and have to be out by 09/02/2010 we bought on a landsale/owner/carry contract.We have low credit score due to medical We need to buy the man out 162,000. Need attorney to fight this. Legal aid went as far as they could within our state guidelines. We started small animal rescue and this has helped my husband immensely but now we will have to get rid of his dogs and he is decling due to the stress and giving up his companions. We need a hard money loan or a charity willing to pay off this greedy man fast and then let us pay them on a normal legal loan
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Re: Being foreclosed on

Post by Bw19 »

i don't like to ask for help but i really need it. Right now its hard my wife left me and took my youngest two kids,and I have my house, mortgage due, about to be foreclosed on and all these bills.See my wife handled all the bills, credit card debts and mortgage, she worked and I worked we have five kids 20,18,17,13,and 10. I have no clue what I am doing she took all the papers the bills are out of hand. I only make about $400.00 a week i have my 17 and 18 staying with me i need help i don't know how to handle this. I dont want to lose my house to a foreclosure because if i have to go to court i need place that my younger ones can come home too. I thank you if you can help me but Iam in need of your help. I live in pennsylvania
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Re: Being foreclosed on

Post by Admin »

I wish I knew more on your situation. You can try programs such as a short pay refi. Also, I know Pennsylvania also offers some foreclosure and state assistance programs. ... _and_.html
One of the keys to preventing a foreclosure is to call your lender and communicate with them early in the process. If you wait it may be too late. The earlier the better.
Bw19 wrote:i don't like to ask for help but i really need it. Right now its hard my wife left me and took my youngest two kids,and I have my house, mortgage due, about to be foreclosed on and all these bills.See my wife handled all the bills, credit card debts and mortgage, she worked and I worked we have five kids 20,18,17,13,and 10. I have no clue what I am doing she took all the papers the bills are out of hand. I only make about $400.00 a week i have my 17 and 18 staying with me i need help i don't know how to handle this. I dont want to lose my house to a foreclosure because if i have to go to court i need place that my younger ones can come home too. I thank you if you can help me but Iam in need of your help. I live in pennsylvania
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Re: Being foreclosed on

Post by Ramsey »

Hello, I'm behind on my mortgage, and my mortgage company referred me to your website in order to get a number to call to speak to someone. My house in in active foreclosure, and the sale is due on April 25th. The mortgage company is Nationstar. I'm working with them to postpone the sale. The amount of money I owe in order to get caught up is staggering, and I don't have the money because of the economic crash and unemployment.
How can I get contacted by your company to help me and my family?
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Re: Being foreclosed on

Post by Erica »

Hello, I need help with foreclosure and my circumstances are very unique and quite sad too. You see back in 2013 my ex-husband brutally some kids. He went to prison. I got my divorcde from him. We bought a home in 2008 and had a contract for his family to buy it. We downloaded a contract off the Internet, filled it out, had it notarized ,got the first half of down payment and we moved.
His family kept wanting out and changing their minds. So when I got my divorce I asked for the home as a kind gesture for his family. The judge gave me the house 100% and him all of the mortgage debt with no liability for me as he said "you and you kids have been through enough". So I transferred it into my name.
It got recorded and they went on paying. Well his family got busted for narcotics so by Washington law I had to start eviction proceedings which got halted because of the sales agreement and since I couldn't work no more and I have a severely disabled child, I couldn't afford to foreclose on them. Even though it was nothing more than a glorified rental agreement, it still had specifics in the agreement that since they defaulted was in my favor.
Well the original loan was with American general finance in Longview Washington then they moved to Centralia and Springleaf financial bought them out. I gave them all the info but they said I wasn’t on the loan so they couldn’t talk to me. I mailed them a copy of my divorce decree, the papers from the assessor’s office proving that it was in my name and only my name. Also in writing told them that unless it was my ex than they weren’t allowed to divulge any info about the account. I gave them my street address as well as the PO box (I can receive mail at both), my phone # and my dad’s home number. And stated in the letter that unless they can prove it is me with identification and know my social security number and Date of Birth then they are not to change any information on account everything needed to go through me.
It was the same way with the assessor’s office only I didn’t tell them that because they were supposed to be thorough when gathering identification from someone. Well about 3 weeks ago I get foreclosure papers in the mail at home and the PO Box claiming the us bank owns this mortgage and no payments in a year. I called the trustee in charge and was curious as to why I was not notified of the sale. First I was told I’m not the owner. Second they didn’t have my address (yet they had it for the foreclose papers to be mailed to me) and that to stop it I had to bring account current. I than argued that I didn’t receive anything stating that Springleaf sold the account to them. And advised her that my ex was not the owner of the property that as of 2012 I was per superior court judge and that in 2011 or 2012 the property was put into my name and only my name and had they done a correct parcel search they would have found that it is mine and recorded as such. They are going off the last contract signed in 2010.
So I called Springleaf and they said it was sold and sent notice to an address I have never used. I have been through so much between * trials, over 40 hospital stays, 23 operations last year and more. I had to live in domestic violence shelters for 5 months cause someone stalking me and my daughter, we have been homeless since December 2015 but in February 2016 home health made us move from our apartment cause of toxic mold that almost killed me and have been shuffled around ever since.
The people in their no messaged me that they want no more to do with it even though I offered to help. It’s worth a little over $100,000 and the mortgage balance is right around $35,000. With all the hardships my family has gone through and still holding strong, the home being foreclosed on is the devils work to break name down. My children deserve happiness in their lives to be stable secure and its right there for us... but I cannot find any help and I cannot afford an attorney to fight it.
I keep reading about grants and nonprofit places to help but who do I trust who I call. We live just barely above water each month. We live out of boxes and back packs my children are sleeping on the floor. I don’t know what you can do if anything can be done but someone told me it was worth trying for my kids’ sake and that if your foundation couldn’t help us maybe you know where I can get the help I need. I don’t want to lose my children. I’ve been doing everything right with no luck. Completed the rent well class at HUD, doing everything the DSHS work says to do as well as working with ageing and disabled and rehousing counselor at the shelter. And I have been doing this since 04-2016.
I appreciate your time I really do and I hope to hear from you either way it goes I know you are busy. Thank you for listening and I’m praying you may have some suggestions or at least other avenues I haven’t found yet. I do believe that they are trying to screw me over as I have never been notified of any sale or anything.
Also the original documents say I’m not responsible for paying this because I wasn’t on the note or deed and spring leaf financial told me that since it was separate property (his) purchased from his injury settlement that it wasn’t community property and that since they didn’t demand payment when it transferred that they couldn’t foreclose on it. The court said the same thing when they gave me his house and him his loan.
They never got ahold of me at all first I heard of this was when the trustee sent me mail and she didn’t understand why I was never notified by anyone or why they never did a new title search because they would have found its been in my name since 2014.
Well I’m going to let you process this and if you think you can help me please call me as soon as you can as there are people in it and I want to evict them as soon as I possibly can.
Sincerely yours,
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Re: Being foreclosed on

Post by Admin »

Downloading a contract off the internet is always a bad idea! Sorry...we are sure you know that by now. Anyhow, it does sound like you have a mess for yourself. We are sorry you are facing a foreclosure.
Try one of the mortgage assistance programs. While you may be too late, it is worth a shot. But the good news if the home is worth 100,000, and loan is only $35,000, you have tons of equity to work with. So that will help you.
Erica wrote:Hello, I need help with foreclosure and my circumstances are very unique and quite sad too. You see back in 2013 my ex-husband brutally some kids. He went to prison. I got my divorcde from him. We bought a home in 2008 and had a contract for his family to buy it. We downloaded a contract off the Internet, filled it out, had it notarized ,got the first half of down payment and we moved.
His family kept wanting out and changing their minds. So when I got my divorce I asked for the home as a kind gesture for his family. The judge gave me the house 100% and him all of the mortgage debt with no liability for me as he said "you and you kids have been through enough". So I transferred it into my name.
It got recorded and they went on paying. Well his family got busted for narcotics so by Washington law I had to start eviction proceedings which got halted because of the sales agreement and since I couldn't work no more and I have a severely disabled child, I couldn't afford to foreclose on them. Even though it was nothing more than a glorified rental agreement, it still had specifics in the agreement that since they defaulted was in my favor.
Well the original loan was with American general finance in Longview Washington then they moved to Centralia and Springleaf financial bought them out. I gave them all the info but they said I wasn’t on the loan so they couldn’t talk to me. I mailed them a copy of my divorce decree, the papers from the assessor’s office proving that it was in my name and only my name. Also in writing told them that unless it was my ex than they weren’t allowed to divulge any info about the account. I gave them my street address as well as the PO box (I can receive mail at both), my phone # and my dad’s home number. And stated in the letter that unless they can prove it is me with identification and know my social security number and Date of Birth then they are not to change any information on account everything needed to go through me.
It was the same way with the assessor’s office only I didn’t tell them that because they were supposed to be thorough when gathering identification from someone. Well about 3 weeks ago I get foreclosure papers in the mail at home and the PO Box claiming the us bank owns this mortgage and no payments in a year. I called the trustee in charge and was curious as to why I was not notified of the sale. First I was told I’m not the owner. Second they didn’t have my address (yet they had it for the foreclose papers to be mailed to me) and that to stop it I had to bring account current. I than argued that I didn’t receive anything stating that Springleaf sold the account to them. And advised her that my ex was not the owner of the property that as of 2012 I was per superior court judge and that in 2011 or 2012 the property was put into my name and only my name and had they done a correct parcel search they would have found that it is mine and recorded as such. They are going off the last contract signed in 2010.
So I called Springleaf and they said it was sold and sent notice to an address I have never used. I have been through so much between * trials, over 40 hospital stays, 23 operations last year and more. I had to live in domestic violence shelters for 5 months cause someone stalking me and my daughter, we have been homeless since December 2015 but in February 2016 home health made us move from our apartment cause of toxic mold that almost killed me and have been shuffled around ever since.
The people in their no messaged me that they want no more to do with it even though I offered to help. It’s worth a little over $100,000 and the mortgage balance is right around $35,000. With all the hardships my family has gone through and still holding strong, the home being foreclosed on is the devils work to break name down. My children deserve happiness in their lives to be stable secure and its right there for us... but I cannot find any help and I cannot afford an attorney to fight it.
I keep reading about grants and nonprofit places to help but who do I trust who I call. We live just barely above water each month. We live out of boxes and back packs my children are sleeping on the floor. I don’t know what you can do if anything can be done but someone told me it was worth trying for my kids’ sake and that if your foundation couldn’t help us maybe you know where I can get the help I need. I don’t want to lose my children. I’ve been doing everything right with no luck. Completed the rent well class at HUD, doing everything the DSHS work says to do as well as working with ageing and disabled and rehousing counselor at the shelter. And I have been doing this since 04-2016.
I appreciate your time I really do and I hope to hear from you either way it goes I know you are busy. Thank you for listening and I’m praying you may have some suggestions or at least other avenues I haven’t found yet. I do believe that they are trying to screw me over as I have never been notified of any sale or anything.
Also the original documents say I’m not responsible for paying this because I wasn’t on the note or deed and spring leaf financial told me that since it was separate property (his) purchased from his injury settlement that it wasn’t community property and that since they didn’t demand payment when it transferred that they couldn’t foreclose on it. The court said the same thing when they gave me his house and him his loan.
They never got ahold of me at all first I heard of this was when the trustee sent me mail and she didn’t understand why I was never notified by anyone or why they never did a new title search because they would have found its been in my name since 2014.
Well I’m going to let you process this and if you think you can help me please call me as soon as you can as there are people in it and I want to evict them as soon as I possibly can.
Sincerely yours,
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