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i cant even afford groceries or have gas to go to work

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 8:35 pm
by jMacdouglas1
I am a 34 year old mother of two children and have full time employment. Todays economy has placed a strain on me and my families finacial needs. I work very hard and never ask for any help from anyone and dont recieve and goverment funds. My current and previous electrical bill are above $200.00, almost $300.00 per month and its to the point i cant even afford groceries or have gas to go to work. If there is any help that can be provided please contact me at Thank you for any assistance there may be for my family.

Re: i cant even afford groceries or have gas to go to work

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 6:05 am
by Admin
jMacdouglas1 wrote:I am a 34 year old mother of two children and have full time employment. Todays economy has placed a strain on me and my families finacial needs. I work very hard and never ask for any help from anyone and dont recieve and goverment funds. My current and previous electrical bill are above $200.00, almost $300.00 per month and its to the point i cant even afford groceries or have gas to go to work. If there is any help that can be provided please contact me at Thank you for any assistance there may be for my family.
Those eelctric bills are way to high. No one should have bills that high unless you live in a huge house. try to learn how to save money on electric bills. You can reduce bills by 20-40% with free,easy steps.

Re: i cant even afford groceries or have gas to go to work

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 2:34 pm
by missionredder
I live in Oshkosh, WI, and now I get a new job its depend on the needs of the school. As a substitute teacher offering assistance, my the month pass is almost up. I only work 6 or 8 hours and the wages is only 8 dollars each hour. I can’t offer the money to pay for gasoline and I have sick elder mom and a sister. Please help with gasoline or transportation.