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insurance payment

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 5:27 pm
by jturner101
My 92 year old fathers' health and life insurance payment is due now. he needs 300.00 to go with the 183.00 that he does have to make the payment. i tried payday loans but he is to old for them to approve. the bank will not give anymore credit to him. this is a one time thing. we had home expenses to pay for or no power. any help??? please.

Re: insurance payment

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 2:41 pm
by Admin
There are no ways to get help for something like a life insurance bill. As you mentioned, you can try something like a payday or bank loan, but that is a bad idea for this type of expense. Payday loans should rarely, if ever be used, if you can't pay them off in a matter of days.
jturner101 wrote:My 92 year old fathers' health and life insurance payment is due now. he needs 300.00 to go with the 183.00 that he does have to make the payment. i tried payday loans but he is to old for them to approve. the bank will not give anymore credit to him. this is a one time thing. we had home expenses to pay for or no power. any help??? please.

Re: insurance payment

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 2:43 pm
by jturner101
sorry i bothered everybody. i will go away now.

Re: insurance payment

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 12:20 pm
by gracie
My wife and I are currently unemployed. I lost my job on October 31. She is unemployed. We are both seeking work. I am receiving 562 USD a week from unemployment. We received a letter from our home owners company requiring repairs to our home that I estimate to be well over 5,000 USD. They are requiring repairs to be completed by 4/01/2014. Are there any grants available or any other help such as delaying the repairs. They want branches from 3 trees cut off that overhang house, major repairs to the side walk and driveway and roof repairs. Please help. Thank you

Re: insurance payment

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 6:51 pm
by Nashville
Haven't ever asked for help before, but don't know what else to do in this situation. My husband and I moved home to Massachusetts in June 2013 from TX after losing everything we owned including our home to a hurricane. Regardless that we had homeowners insurance with State Farm we still wait over five years now for them to settle our claim. They have been found guilty of Fraud in TX, they still have denied court orders to pay and we still wait for mediation to happen. It took everything we had, plus we had to get a loan to move at 122% interest as State Farm has forced us in to limbo foreclosure of home in TX and created financial disaster as well as the disaster of the storm. The move, rent, everything was covered in a worthless policy so we were on our own. We are both disabled, my husband is retired disabled. I, too, am disabled after a botched leg operations thereafter to try to save my life. Three weeks after the hurricane my husband, became very ill due to conditions we were living in and the stress, we found out then he has an illness.
We moved into our home we have now in Boston, MA and immediately began having problems with the propane tank. We know there is a leak somewhere and they came out and stated we had a leak as tank would not hold pressure. After losing one home already to disaster this was another episode of panic for us. They simply said oh, you have a leak and left us with that. I immediately called them and they seemed not to know what I was talking about and communication hasn't improved since. In December 2013 all three furnaces caught fire, we live in an old converted church now a residence, so it has three furnaces. We had no heat from March until May and resorted to heating with electric heaters and wood for fire place which was another financial burden. We hired a heating/AC tech to go over everything in our home to verify if leaking, we also spent the money over the summer to bring everything up to code as many things had been done by previous homeowner and were not up to code. We also worked to make sure everything we can weather proof and make better is. We have paid our agreed upon payment every month always on time. During the period the furnaces, which we have replaced now with new more efficient ones, the gas bill didn't go down at all and we have tried repeatedly to make a company replace the tank and equipment as tank is very old and shifted oveare the years. We are still attempting to ascertain if tank belongs to Ferrell or us, and get them to address the situation and them seem to ignore their part in any of this. We are to speak with them on Friday, however, even if we paid the balance which one, we don't owe and seems pretty clear that even when not using furnaces the gas just keeps on flowing, and we don't have anything left. There is no way we can pay off the balance at this time and need the amount adjusted to be fair due to leakage. Even if we did they won't bring gas for at least a week from Friday at the earliest as they told my husband yesterday. Our tank is currently at 28% and this week end we are suppose to be in the 20's. We also have no fire wood at this time either as we are broke.
Both being disabled and with husband's condition he cannot afford to get another bad cold or pneumonia which we have both had more than once over the past five years. In August I was hospitalized for stress induced and told I simply have to eliminate the stress, wish I new how. I am in a panic anticipating winter without heat and hoping you can perhaps help us. We have a pension and my Social Security Disability but with all the additional medical bills over the past five years with multiple hospitalizations for both of us, taking every bit of savings we had just to flee the home falling in on us in Texas, there just isn't enough to ever have extra for anything. The end of the month we are deciding on food or medications as sometimes just not enough for both. We have both worked all our lives and been good people, followed the law which citizens must to own a home, yet insurance companies don't seem to be held to same standard. If there is anything you can do to help us with the heating or lack thereof is better put, please feel free to call or email me ASAP. I was widowed when I met my husband, and as sick as he is it is constantly on my mind to make sure to do whatever it takes to keep us both healthy and alive, but it is getting more stressful and hard to do that daily, and doesn't seem to be help for us because we do have income. Even if there is no help with you for us perhaps you could point me in the right direction as I am at my wits end and just don't know where to turn. Thank you for your time, look forward to hearing back from you.