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Looking for medical debt relief

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2024 6:06 am
by Joe Bellino
My name is Deb. I am a graduate student at OU, seeking my masters' degree in social work. I work full time at Griffin Memorial Hospital as a case manager and now, a hospital worker, needs relief of my medical debt from illness.
In 2018, I was diagnosed with cancer and underwent chemotherapy treatments. In 2019, I checked myself into a psych ward to streamline my medications in a safe space. In 2021, I had another cancer scare, and had some lymph nodes removed in my neck. I pay 6 different medical bills monthly, most are in collections, and I was contacted this morning about another bill.
I am literally doing everything I can to survive, and every day I help link people with resources to help them with their life stressors and insurmountable barriers. Now, I need help or medical debt relief. As hard as I try to get ahead, there's always a new medical bill to take care of, and gas prices are rising, and I just found out I owe the IRS $3,400, and on and on it goes!
My credit report is destroyed, and I drive a 2016 Volkswagon; I am interviewing for a better job that would require more travel and will need a better vehicle. I am unable to get a new vehicle because of my poor credit, and I don't have the ability to afford a monthly car payment and insurance, due to the amount of medical debt I pay monthly (just under $500).
I'm not even going to mention student loan debt, but basically.... I am working to earn my way towards better circumstances, but am financially at risk of losing everything. I need help with the medical debt and other bills and some form of relief. I know my circumstances aren't 'dire' like the people I serve, but my past is just as checkered and I'm a whole comeback story myself. I'm further along in the process, but I feel just as vulnerable and without help or options.

Re: Looking for medical debt relief

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2024 1:16 pm
by Admin
There are ways to get help with medical debt, including settlement, relief programs and more. Maybe credit counseling would be a good place to start as would a hospital charity care program. Either way look here for steps to settle medical debt.