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Effects of poverty

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2024 6:01 am
by Mac Miller
Dear Madam/Sir,
My name is Luisa and I am currently an undergraduate at the University of Pennsylvania. As part of my Freshman Seminar class, Poverty, and Inequality in America, I will be presenting on the labor market and its effects on poverty, in particular in Philadelphia. But all data and insight that you have on poverty would be great - causes, examples you see and while there is no simple solution, the ideas you have. I was wondering if it would be possible for me to email you in order to ask you a few questions regarding this topic?
Thank you for your time,

Re: Effects of poverty

Posted: Sun May 12, 2024 11:18 am
by Ruby
I am in desperate need of assistance paying my electric bill. I am permanently disabled and live in poverty. I have very low income, 16,000 annual income, my electricity will be turned off by the 4th.
I have exhausted all measures trying to get help, according to the internet I qualify for LiHEAP and community action but no one will help me apply or I have talked to one person in Trinity county that’s said I had to be at least 62 years of age...this is incorrect.
I am disabled, live in poverty and have income - below poverty guidelines.
I need help with my electric bill, I filled out a form with Houston County Electric COOP and they approved me and reduced the bill by 150.00 that still leaves me with almost 550.00 electric bill that I can not pay. This is what poverty does to people like me it makes us desperate. Please for God sakes someone help me or tell me what to do before my power is disconnected