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Pipe burst - plumbing on mobile home repair

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2023 4:13 am
by Josette Ciceron
Hi, my name is Breanna a single mother of two. Unfortunately a pipe busted in a mobile home that I own and is causing water to constantly pour out unless turned off and is running up my water bill to unbelievable prices. This makes it hard to have money to fix plumbing issues so I am in need of assistance with helping to fix the plumbing issue and/or pay the extremely high water bill.
I've been looking for over 6 months now for someone to just take a look at mine. The room is mold and mildew I've tried my best to keep it clean too from the burst pipe. I'm on disability. I have called everyone I know of all state counties etc. Butt seems like nobody has funds. If there's anything you can do to help me move this I would appreciate it.
All of this has been a financial burden on me and even harder due to it being the holidays.