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COVID left me crippled

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 7:40 am
by Josette Ciceron
Hello, I am writing you this email for help because the COVID-19 pandemic has left me crippled and any help from a grant, no matter how small helps. At the start of the pandemic I lost my jobs which I had two and had my power shut off in March 2021 and the company stockpiled late fees and $500 restoration fees on me, I struggled with employment through to December 2021, and fell behind on rent, and was issued an eviction notice in January. After going through court I was able to work out a deal and remain at my apartment by doing a payment plan on the back rent I owe and paying my rent which is tough. This year has been hard as I'm now over a full year with no power and terribly close to homelessness, so I need a COVID financial aid..
I've actually forgotten what it's like to live a normal home life after COVID crippled me. I have found employment, Thank god at a hotel in my town and continue to seek a 2nd job but I have fallen terribly behind and seek help, at times the hotel would let me stay over for a few days for work and that is the closest to normal home life I’ve had in over a year.
I've gotten sick multiple times in the winter months at home because of the cold and lost two jobs because I had to stay home and recover from being crippled. I know there are other people that need help more than I do and if so then I pray you help them. I've managed to get by to now and have faith that I will continue to. I've never thought in a million years I'd be were I am but it is humbling and I have found some happiness in life, things could be worse, I hope when things get better I can help someone or inspire them. Thank You for just reading my message and hope everyone stays safe.

Re: COVID left me crippled

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2022 10:02 am
by Admin
So sorry. Sadly your story is not uncommon. Long term COVID, disabilities, mental issues...all that and more is resulting from COVID. But we have options for you. Learn more on, and find how to get help applying for disability.