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Begging for help

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 7:30 am
by Baby
I'm a single mother of 3 and I'm currently on light duty at my job since June 19th which has put me behind in all my bills. I still owe $200 from last month and $450 for this month. Which I'm behind to buy food for my kids. I am begging for you to listen. While on full duty I got $78 in food stamps and could pay my bills and buy extra food every week. My landlord text me today and told me my building is sold and he want to be managing it so my children and I will be without lights. I learned my mother had used my power and I have a $1151.00 bill. I can't press the issue with that because my mother is deceased now. So, I'm begging for help right now.

Re: Begging for help

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2019 5:18 am
I found your email address on your website and am writing as well as begging for for help finding financial assistance.  I am a disabled adult, and I lost my Section 8 housing voucher.  My landlord had indicated he would accept it, then ran out the clock while he considered it; at the last minute he decided against, and I lost the voucher.  I'm facing homelessness and need any assistance I can get that doesn't involve my landlord--he refuses to participate in any programs. I have medical needs to stay where I am (and have documentation from doctors and other medical professionals attesting to that) and am looking for assistance that will allow me to stay in my current residence.
I live in New York State.  My long list of disabling medical conditions includes autism, OCD, and PTSD (from long-term familial abuse). I also have chronic pain syndrome and/or fibromyalgia, have had 3 spine surgeries and am a candidate for at least 2 more.  I'm providing this information in case there are organizations that specifically help people with these problems.  I receive SSD and food stamps (not the maximum amount, I've been going hungry), but all other government programs seem to require my landlord's involvement, so they don't work for me.  I can provide legitimate organizations with necessary documentation, I just need assistance that comes directly to me.
I find the amount of information on your site a bit overwhelming (perhaps because of autism), and I thank you in advance as I beg for your help in narrowing down the most viable options.  You can email me here at this address. I look forward to your reply.
Thank you,