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Moved to escape violence

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2019 2:56 pm
by Barrista
I’m 29 years old. I'm married in a high school Graduate and I have been to college. I recently moved from Chicago to Macomb IL because of Chicago violence. I left my job and apartment there. I was in bad debt when I left as I liked shopping till I dropped. I’m currently job hunting but right now I have no job or money for the bills, food, or housing.
I used all my money to move down here. I was staying with a friend but can't stay anymore so now I'm bouncing from people I barely know house and my friend just paid for a motel for us to stay in but that's only till Monday. I'm really struggling - me and my husband. We need help with money so we can rent an apartment and get a better way of life here, but we can't do that till we find a job. Please help.

Re: Moved to escape violence

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 11:12 am
by JBerman
I am in need of assistance with paying my utilities and legal aid. I do work but don’t earn enough to pay my bills. I’m actually looking for a second job to help me out. I have some illnesses, was impacted by violence and I sleep with a machine at night, I’m a diabetic and I have thyroid disease as well. I moved from Massachusetts to get away from domestic violence. I’m am barely making it with my two kids that live with me my 3rd is in college. I’m trying hard to find a better job I do have a master’s degree. I have all my bills and my medication list to prove I can’t afford anything if someone can please contact me. I can’t even afford to buy my kids anything for Christmas while trying to repair a car so my son and daughter can get to school. My number is.

Re: Moved to escape violence

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2019 8:22 am
by Bluetooth
I am married, and recently had to get out because it became extremely violent. I am staying with a friend and I have had a difficult time starting to get on my feet. I have a 2 year old with my husband so it's not just about me and my safety. It's about his and mine. I am just needing some help to get on my feet. I've been with him for 3 years and he made sure I didn't get anything for myself so I would be trapped pretty much. I do not like asking for help, but I don't know where else to turn. Please.