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Income and bills of single mom

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2019 4:14 am
by Singlemom
I am inquiring if there is any funds available to help me. I am a single mom, who over the summer was getting 30 hours a week, and they have been cut to 10. I need some work and money!
I am certainly on section 8, and am in threat of losing my voucher as my income low and no rent money. I've made adjustments, as needed but still responsible for the past due amount. I completed 18 months at amethyst, and in March I will have 3 years clean, I'd hate to start all over. The year has been filled with financial hardships and loss of job. I've felt with bed bugs since May, and those out of pocket expenses have contributed to my setbacks. Please any help would be appreciated.

Re: Income and bills of single mom

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2019 4:23 pm
by Admin
Maybe try a freelance job. Maybe you can get more hours again and get back up to that 30 hours per week or so level. But is that really enough to support yourself and kid(s) as a single mom? anyhow, try this for freelance work.