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Pay for laser surgery

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 4:39 am
by I am dreaming
I am a 56 year old female. In 2012 I was diagnosed with a triple negative breast cancer. I was also diagnosed as having the Check 2 Mutation for breast, colon & ovarian cancer. Consequently, I had total hysterectomy on top of the mastectomy. Since then I have been suffering from reoccurring UTI's and sever vaginal dryness. It is out of the question for me to have intimate relationship due to the pain.
Since it is very dangerous for me to be on any hormone therapy, my doctors have suggested that I am actually a perfect candidate for a laser procedure called: Mona Lisa Touch. This is a laser, 3 session procedure that can do wonders for me. The cost of this is $2500 and it is not covered by insurance.
I contacted the manufacturer and they refuse to help out with the cost.
I need your help, as this is a basically a savior for me.
Please try to help me.

Re: Pay for laser surgery

Posted: Thu May 25, 2023 12:58 pm
by cat1
My name is Colive. I am kindly and humbly asking for assistance for my medical condition, (Medical) is a chronic disease called Neuropathic and Sciatic nerves and I have pinched nerves in my spine. A laser surgery treatment is needed, and I need help to pay for it. From June 05, 2020, it got worse. I can't walk anymore. But I don't want to be permanently paralyzes and bedridden from the waist down... I am also a Diabetic who has been struggling with my health daily.
I am asking for assistance to see a Neurologist & Neurosurgeon who can do the CT scanning and the treatment, therapy, and repair of the nerve damages in my leg and spine with a laser. I need to pay for the laser and medication and remove the nerve from between my spine. The surgery is pretty costly in Belize!! I am desperately in need of assistance at this time, whatever you can assist me with, it will be greatly appreciated... God bless.