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Water well is dry and need a new one

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2017 6:59 pm
by JMichales
I am writing to ask if there is any type of assistance that is available to help my mother. She is on a fixed income with no access to extra funds and she has fought for a year now with water. She is now told her well is dry and she needs to dig a new well. But she does NOT have finances for that. Is there anything that could help her to pay for a new well to be dug? She lives in Monroe County WV. Thank you.

Re: Water well is dry and need a new one

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2017 4:44 pm
by Admin
Sometimes a community action agency, including those in West Virginia, offer low interest rate home repair/improvement loans. Maybe those funds can pay for a water well. Or she can try an aging center too. Here are some options, and locate community action agencies in West Virginia.
JMichales wrote:I am writing to ask if there is any type of assistance that is available to help my mother. She is on a fixed income with no access to extra funds and she has fought for a year now with water. She is now told her well is dry and she needs to dig a new well. But she does NOT have finances for that. Is there anything that could help her to pay for a new well to be dug? She lives in Monroe County WV. Thank you.

Re: Water well is dry and need a new one

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2018 10:00 am
by Ditka
I have no income and what I do have coming in only pays some of my light bill so I need all the help I can. The biggest need right now is for a new water well, which is not working anymore. I have four kids but only two starting school. My oldest girl is nine and my baby girl is almost 7, the oldest is going to fourth and the baby girl is going to first. An my boys are 2 and 3 so if you have anything to help them for school starter, money for food, to fix our water well, or anything will help too such as little books for them.

Re: Water well is dry and need a new one

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2022 3:20 pm
by Croft
I am wondering if there is any assistance program that could help with
a new water well as my current one is dry? My elderly parents live in Aberdeen, WA. They live
outside of the city water service, which in turn requires them to have
a water well. Their current well isn’t functioning properly and is in
major disrepair, and causes issues with getting water to their home.
They are trying to get a new well drilled but the estimate to do so is
greatly out of their financial budget.
I am concerned as this is the only source of water, the well, and it has gone dry! If you have any programs, advice, or other
references for any type if assistance, I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you,