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Branch of my office closed

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 6:43 am
by supreme
Good Morning,
I just recently lost my job due to the branch closing. I am a single mother with 2 kids and I'm 2 months behind in my rent which is $1200. We also need food, we are losing our insurance soon, and more. I was told I could contact you for assistance. Could someone please help me? I'm getting ready to be evicted. Thank you and God Bless.

Re: Branch of my office closed

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2022 9:23 am
by Demi Sutra
My name is Taja. I live in Fort Wayne, IN and I found information about this site on Google after my office closed. I am a single mother of 3 small children. I don’t receive child support and I only work like 14 hours a week and sometimes I can’t work at all due to lack of transportation. When I do work, it’s from 7am to 3pm and our public transportation bus doesn’t get to my house until 6am.
Then won’t leave the station until 615 and I’ll end up being 2 hours late. I have been trying to save money to get a vehicle but my children always need things because they are ages 4, 3 and 2. So I had to spend the $200 I had saved up to buy them beds, diapers pull ups etc.
I really need help especially with the weather change and also I overheard my boss talking to her boss about getting rid of people that she thinks isn’t a good fit for the position due to not being able to work when she needs them to (which I’m one of them because of lack of transportation for weekend work). This is why the office and local branch has closed. I have been working there for 6 months and I REALLY need this job so if there is ANY WAY possible you guys can help me and my children to get a vehicle we would greatly appreciate it! I need the extra money so I can stay on top of my rent and bills. Thank you!