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Combat veteran

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2016 8:33 am
by Flower12
I'm behind on bills and struggling so hard I no longer know what to do. I'm a combat vet and been fighting with the VA on getting my disability pay and working full time. I'm currently facing eviction this week and have been trying to pay what I can to stay in my apartment. Now the company is refusing to accept payments to put towards my account and sending the Sheriff out this week. Can you please help? I've applied through the state and still have not heard anything and time is running out. Please help.

Re: Combat veteran

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 11:49 am
by Yaneliz Montanez
Need shelter and food. Never been homeless before. I am US ARMY combat veteran with PTSD, depression, and back injuries. Sleeping in back of car for last 2 weeks. Getting too cold. Vehicle almost broken down (transfer case). I can't Travel far only local In Wentzville, Missouri. Not doing well coping mentally. About to run out of gas to even keep my vehicle warm. Need help real soon. Thank you and God bless.