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M.S. Patient

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 4:55 am
by Pardone
I am a disabled do to M.S. and a pseudo tumor celebri, commonly known as water on my brain. I am receiving treatment, after exhausting all my resources. I make 810 dollars a month from Social Security. I pay 500 towards rent which includes electric, tv, trash (what isn't recycles.)
I own a vehicle that seriously needs tires and work done on it. I need a reliable vehicle when fixed, I will be able to go to Vegas without asking people to help. I am an American first, and I am asking for help without losing my dignity. If you can help please text, call or E-mail. Thank you. Sincerely yours,

Re: M.S. Patient

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 1:42 pm
by Snapon
Disabled senior female with MS, active needing help with rent for a safe, secure, athletic endorsed environment. Approved at a location in Austin (apartment complex), just will be short and have nothing left after rent payment. Starting over, trying to embrace whatever time the good Lord is going to give me. I know I am here for something special. My favorite quote that describes my life: "I've survived damn most everything" - and that is no understatement. (My story would have to be placed in the "fiction" category at the bookstore, because it is very hard to believe I am still here. Thank you.

Re: M.S. Patient

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2017 6:59 pm
by Adam
I have my 10 year old grandson living with me and my husband who has M.S. We are barely paying our monthly bills and with nothing extra he will not have anything under the tree this year. His mother is in recovery and trying to find a job and get back on her feet and she also is homeless. That's why we have him living with us.
Now that my husband is very sick and unable to work, there is no money there after our bills and sometimes we are picking and choosing what to pay. If you can please help us it would make my grandson the happiest child in the world... Thank you so much for your time.

Re: M.S. Patient

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2019 2:36 pm
by Maxie Mac
I have Multiple Sclerosis. It has progressed pretty rapidly in last two years. Unfortunately it keeps me from being able to work a regular job. Also my girlfriend was recently laid off. She has a son with a disability, a daughter and ten month old grandson. Times have been really tough. Doing odd and end jobs to make ends meet. But not enough. Have cutoff notice on electric bill. Need assistance ASAP.