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Wipes pipe repair as water is wasting

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 6:12 am
by Pitbull
I have been bit by so many people when it comes to repairing my water pipes. I allowed a person to come to my home and fix my pipes and I thought he fixed my pipes well. He did not and on top of that he left me with a high water bill thinking my pipes was repaired and they were not. My water was disconnected and I'm needing help. I'm 70 years old and I'm disable I have tried different organizations nothing to any avail.

Re: Wipes pipe repair as water is wasting

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 4:31 am
by Beactive
My husband and I bought a house a month ago. When they passed the inspection they did not mention that there was a water leak in the pipe in the cabinet under the kitchen sink. Last week we noticed it for the first time that on the outer wall is water. My husband checked and did not find where the leak is. The cabinet below is rotten. In top of this, there were things to be fixed around the house. We paid a handymen to fix the water pipe, but he only fixed few things. The lanai roof is leaking, the window was not fix. He already cashed his check and forget it he's not going to come back.
My question is, there is a way we can get a loan with low interest for repairs? We don't have the money to deal with this situation.
Please let us know,
Thank You,

Re: Wipes pipe repair as water is wasting

Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 12:08 pm
by Admin
Try the Bay County community action agency. Sometimes they have grants to pay for home repairs. Some of this may be for water bills too.
So you have a few options to explore. The main source of information is Bay County Agency on Aging.