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I want to report fraud

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 12:28 pm
by Ksmith
There is a family that revives benefits from your Huntingdon, PA location. They are committing fraud. I am unsure what all benefits they receive but they brag about receiving food from the three for 7-9 people when only 2 adult and two children live in their home. They store the extra food in rooms at that parent’s house or so that's what they say. They receive food stamps in addition and trade that with people for cash. They talk freely around town about the fraud they are doing and how they are scamming the system doing these things they do. Please check in to it if possible.

Re: I want to report fraud

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2022 5:02 pm
by Roman
My name is Deanna. I live in Allegheny County, Turtle Creek, PA  15145. I have never done this and it is embarrassing to even admit but I am having a ton of trouble paying my bills, but I do see other people committing fraud and taking advantage of the system. I want to report it.
rent. I live in a co-op called Electric Heights Housing Association or EHHA. I have had to borrow money left and right to make it this long. I have tried everything from trying to get loans to using credit cards for cash and for my only son for Christmas. I keep getting denied for me due the fraud in the system and people abusing the system. Please help me report this fraud.
I am tapped out! I, unfortunately, was hoping to seek out help to figure out how I can pay my rent along with all of my bills. I am disabled and have been for many years. I am on disability for my chronic illnesses that are not getting better but only worse. I'm not sure how to go about this because I am not one to ask for a hand out. I am truly struggling to figure out how to pay my rent so that I may keep my apartment. I was hoping that whoever receives my email, that you might be able to lead me in the right direction to report the fraud and get help myself.
My rent is due by January 15th or it costs $10 more until the end of January and $30 extra gets added each month thereafter. Anyway, if you wouldn't mind please directing me on the correct path to seek some very much needed help.