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Help for attention deficit disorder sufferer

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 4:35 am
by irving
To Whom It May Concern,
I am on disability and have been for over ten years. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, anxiety attacks, depression, high blood pressure and bi polar and also attention deficit disorder. I have seen numerous psychiatrist and Doctors.
I moved from Fort Mohave Arizona where I was living with my husband but decided for myself to separate because husband just didn't want to work and I was helping him buying his cigarettes which I thought this can't happen anymore. I have been doing this so long that I just had enough and started calling family members for help to get out. The only one that decided to help for a while was my sister.
I pay 300 for rent on one room and eat. I also pay for the electric bill as this was the agreement in order to leave my husband.
I said OK because I had nowhere else to go except a shelter which I would have never made it. I have a lot of back issues and hurt every day, I do not think that there is a day with no pain. I get very depressed and think maybe suicide is the only way out but then think this is not what god has planned for me. Then I start crying uncontrollable and take my xanex to calm me down.
I am trying to find out how I can find a new doctor and get transportation to and from the Doctor for my ADD - attention deficit disorder. I use to have a car until that was repossessed because of husband not working. I lost a lot of things because of him. All my furniture and everything is gone but I can't do anything about the past.
I need to move forward and find out as much information is needed to get myself on my own even if it was a studio apartment that would be great at least I would not have to depend on my sister.
She will not drive me to Doctors. I was already told this too. She doesn't drive in rain, snow or past 3 pm and will not drive anywhere that she does not have to go. Please point me into the correct way to get some help. The only phone I have is a government phone and right now of course I am out of minutes because I have called numerous places and just not sure who and what I am supposed to contact. I need help.
I don't have minutes on my phone, and my sister said I could use her phone to talk to someone to get help. Can someone please help me with the attention deficit disorder. They can call from only 9am to 2pm which is her hours only. Please help me help myself. I am begging you. Thank you again for taking time to read my letter.

Re: Help for attention deficit disorder sufferer

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 4:33 am
by AndyNorth
We are a hard working family of five (3 little ones with attention deficit disorder) that is having a difficult month. We have never had to ask for assistance but Due to recent pay cuts in my husband’s field of work (oil industry) and also a death in the family that resulted in additional unplanned expenses, we are not able to pay all of our bills this month.
We were able to borrow enough to pay our water bill that was about to get shut off but we are still behind on our electricity (disconnect is pending) and other bills. We have no money for gas to get back and forth to work and no money for food. We have applied for SSI for the kids with ADD. Any advice or assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!