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Hard to pay hospital bills on minimum wage

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 4:01 am
by Xaxman
Hello, I am 26 years old, make a minimum wage, and live in Topeka Kansas. I'm not sure if there is a local thing here or not but I'll fill you in on my situation just in case. I am not sure exactly how much I owe in hospital bills but it got turned into collections and I feel like they might try to take me to court soon.
I have a job where I only make the minimum wage of 8.00 working maybe 3 days a week and I can't afford to make the monthly payments the hospital was wanting. I made a bad decision one night and now I have to pay fines every month as well as insurance and food. If this isn't the right place could you please direct me to one? Thank you.

Re: Hard to pay hospital bills on minimum wage

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 3:51 pm
by Papen
I have incurred a hospital bill with Trinity Hospital in Augusta GA.
The series of events happened like this.
My only brother died suddenly. He was a single father with
5 children, I took the children to live with me but I only live on a minimum wage. Months later I had to have a biopsy on my breast, my regular mammogram showed a lump. Even though I was insured my insurance did not pay it all. I have no way of paying this bill on my minimum wage, by the time my head was above water and I started looking at old bills and new ones, this bill went to a professional recovery service.
Due: $ 2,000.00 Trinity hospital of Augusta, GA.