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I have a citation that need help paying

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 4:12 am
by FamilyHelp
Wife got hurt a year ago and lost her job so we've been struggling. I had a traffic incident in PA. Last month a received citations totaling over $8000 well it finally cost me my job. Electric is being shut off on 12/21 and I'm 20 days past due on rent and will receive a pay to stay order on 12/21. We have about $11 to our name, so no way to pay down this citation. We have no kids at home. Is there any help available for us to keep the lights on prevent our from being homeless next month. Thanks you in advance.

Re: I have a citation that need help paying

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2018 6:15 pm
by Sadness
Actually am in Colton CA, San Bernardino County. I just recently moved in my boyfriend’s uncles house but I can't stay there. They were citation and one was paid of $250.00 but there's still five more. It's one but since he didn't respond to it that's where the other four come in at $250.00, each totally it out to 1250.
My help is needed were if there's any type of program that will help me pay for this city citation. I Have bought all the material for the citation that was a reproof to be done and the other was for property maintenance which I can't offered. I am not working. Only my boyfriend and I am living house to house because this needs to be done before I can move in.
If you have any sources that can help please send them my way. I have been like this for a month now. I need help please, anything. Thank you very much for your time and affect.

Re: I have a citation that need help paying

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 10:54 am
by S_Berner
I'm seeking some assistance for a traffic citation. I am employed but am finding it hard to come up with both rent and security for a one bedroom apartment as well as money for this ticket. I'm currently staying with a friend who wants me out by the beginning of November. If you can please assist me or know how I can get assistance, please call me at or email me back. Thank you in advance for your assistance.