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Move due to meth dealers

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 4:34 am
by Terese
The apartment building I presently reside in is populated by a large population of meth dealers. I had a problem with meth and didn't' realize the depravity of some of these people. I became a target for them. They repeatedly steal from me and for the past year or so have been committing drug facilitated sales. I am the victim. I can no longer sleep in my apartment.
The police are involved, although to what extent I wonder as nothing has occurred to alter the situation and provide me with a safe living environment. I am desperate to move. I am working with a social worker however, I am a little confused on her apathy in regards to the crisis situation I am in. Yesterday she told me "many people are in unfortunate housing situations". I am seeking counsel in regards to how to move as I am a 44 year old disabled widow presently in SF. Thank you for your time.