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Bills to keep roof over children's head

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 4:01 am
by Willie
Hi, I’m living on a fixed income with five children. I only get $721 a month. My rent is $485 and my light bill is $310 and $170. I don’t have no help with my kids or try to keep the bills paid. I really do need help.
I try so hard to make but when you doing it by yourself trying to keep my children warm and cool with a roof over the head I be in tears because I was not able to get them school clothes and shoes. They have to wear the cloths and shoes they had last year.

Re: Bills to keep roof over children's head

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 5:02 am
by Admin
There are some places to try in Utah. Maybe they will help with some bills or rent. But you are more likely to get the food and clothes that you kids need. Or even if there is no housing, maybe a shelter can be used to keep a roof over their heads.