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Me and girlfriend need rental help

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 5:24 am
by Paula
I and my girlfriend need help paying rent. $600 is what's needed by this weekend or me and her two sons will be evicted. I'm in between jobs and girlfriend just got let go. If need any more information I would be more than willing, and thank you.

Re: Me and girlfriend need rental help

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 12:29 pm
by Port Had
Hi, my girlfriend and I are needing help. We moved here from Wisconsin about a month ago right after my mother died because we had no family left and our old roommate attacked us and had to call the cops to have him removed but he and the land lord (his best friend kept) causing problems. We feared for our lives.
He has been to jail for violent things in the past which we didn't know till after. My friend told us we could come here and stay with them and they would help us out. Last year my friend found out she had brain cancer and when I got here I found out she lied to get us here so she saw a friend before she died. Well whatever they did to her changed her.
She is mean and nasty and rude and just an all-around not good person and 3 days later found out they have a court date for an eviction. Now me and my girlfriend and cats are going to be homeless without the rent money. We don't know anyone here but my friend and I don't see our friendship lasting now. And we have nowhere to go and don't know any one and don't know what to do. Can you please tell me where to look for help?