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Looking to buy a donated car

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 7:46 am
by Affleck
Hi, I was wondering how do I go about purchasing a donated car? I'm taking this avenue because I'm low on money. This would be my second time purchasing a car since May of this year. It was a very unfortunate incident I put the car in someone's name I felt I could trust. Turned out to be a very costly life lesson. I was betrayed as they stole my car along with money debit cards, bank info and my I'd. This sounds like a movie and the more reality sets in I wish it was!
I've been trying to live right and stay on the right path. I was a very good person to this individual helped with money a place to live spiritual talks etc. and I got burned. I pay rent so that's what my money goes towards and student loans. I'm 27 and finding my way in the world. I'm not looking for a handout just a soft cushion to land on so my fall from progression won’t seem that hard. I have about 700 bucks I can spend after spending $1200 on the car that was stolen.
Any insight on which program I can purchase from would be greatly appreciated. I just want to know there's still good people in the world despite what I've been through. And to allow the person to see that the higher being works harder than its enemy. Thank you.

Re: Looking to buy a donated car

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 4:12 am
by Dandy
I would like to be added to the waiting list to receive a donated car if possible. On December 6, 2015 I had a car accident and my car was totaled. That same night I was physically abused by my husband. They locked him up and I moved out while he was in jail. I have since moved in West Chicago and honestly was not financially able but for fear of my life I did what I had to do.
I will be returning to work soon and at this point have no means of transportation to get back and forth to work. I am not financially stable and had to move in a hurry, thus not allowing me the fund to purchase a car. I would appreciate any help your organization can provide me.

Re: Looking to buy a donated car

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2018 4:12 am
by Prassad
I am looking for assistance in transportation, in particular a donated car. I am a full time student and live at home. I currently share a car with my mother and I am unable to have the car everyday for school. I have found myself running late for school and missing school days, because coming from a low income family of four, money is tight, and sometimes we can't afford a bus ticket. Is there any way that you might be able to help?

Re: Looking to buy a donated car

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2019 2:22 pm
by Admin
A donated car? Yes, there are charities and non-profits that may offer them. Mostly used autos. And you may need to pay some of the cost; but each assistance program will vary. Find sources of free cars and places to try.